Farm Resources in NW Colorado Region

 Beginning Farmer

Show Articles on Beginning Farmer (37)
A Tribute To The Monarch Butterfly: How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Butterfly Friendly Habitat

Iconic is the most appropriate word to describe the Monarch butterfly. Most of us have fond childhood memories of the unmistakable orange and black beauty flitting around the blue sky on sunny summer days.


Regenerative Agriculture

Watch and listen as this expert panel discusses the current state of agriculture and conservation in today's world. Moderated by Alex Echols this panel provides insight and information on the current state of agricultural practices.


Cattlemen’s Land Trust at the Forefront of Conservation

Watch and listen to an on-the-ground panel of experts talk about the relationship of how ranchers and conservationists work together provides successful conservation outcomes while keeping working lands working.


Understanding Rural Attitudes Toward the Environment and Conservation in America

Rural Americans matter—a lot—to the fate of U.S. environmental policy. Not only do farmers, ranchers, and forest owners manage huge portions of American lands and watersheds, but rural voters also have an outsized impact on national policy.


Cooperative Extension Service

The cooperative extension service is designed to help people use research based knowledge to improve their land.  Administered through thousands of county extension offices, extension brings land-grant expertise to the most local of levels in affiliation with the state's designated land-grant universities.& ...


Smart Ag

Our vision at Smart Ag is to become the autonomous farming platform of choice in a driverless future.

In our opinion, the smartest way to solve the huge worldwide challenge of feeding a fast growing population is to empower farmers to complete operations faster, more consistently and with less labor than ever before, we believe they can unlock the potential of the land better than anyone else. With the correct tools, technology and knowledge, farmers can do the seemingly impossible.

Our goal is to give farmers the technology to operate smarter and eliminate the choice between what is best for their farm and constraints like available labor, brands of equipment or the cost of larger machinery. That is why our first product AutoCart can be used with an operator in the grain cart tractor or autonomously and will be compatible with any brand of equipment.

Contact Us

2710 S. Loop Drive

Ames, IA 50010

(515) 599-0346 •


Agrilyst Inc.

Agrilyst is a web-based software platform that helps indoor farms manage their crops and gain data-driven insights to make more profitable production decisions.

Run your farm optimally at all times. With Agrilyst, you can create quick and easy seeding plans from templates for each of your crops. Built for indoor operations, templates make it simple to schedule cut-and-come again varieties, partial harvests, vine harvests, and more. Seeding plans sync automatically with tasks so everyone in your facility knows what to do every day.

Contact Information


68 Jay St., Suite 201

Brooklyn, NY 11201


(646) 878-6840



How to receive conservation assistance from NRCS

Do you farm or ranch and want to make improvements to the land that you own or lease? NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners.


Small Farms and Woodlots

Learn about how woodlots of today provide much more for their owners, including income from selling wood and nonwood products, forest-based income opportunities such as lease hunting and recreation, solitude and escape from emotional pressures and stress of modern living and working, and simply the pride of owning and caring for the land.


Getting Started in Farming

This guide was published in NIFA's Small Farm Digest designed for people considering starting up as begining farmers and ranchers.  Provides information on the opportinities and challenges of farming, land ownership, links to programs and resources to help get you started.


New Farmers Website

An online resource provides centralized, one-stop shopping for beginning farmers and ranchers to explore the variety of USDA initiatives designed to help them succeed.

USDA’s new farmers site has in-depth information, including:

  • how to increase access to land and capital;
  • build new markets;
  • participate in conservation opportunities;
  • select and use the right risk management tools; and
  • access USDA education and technical support programs.


National Young Farmers' Coalition

The National Young Farmers' Coalition represents, mobilizes, and engages young farmers to ensure their success across the country. NYFC supports practices and policies that will sustain young, independent, and prosperous farmers now and in the future through supporting independent family farms, sustainable farming pracices , affordable land for farmers, fair labor practices, farmer-to-farmer training, farmers of every ender, race and sexual orientaion, and cooperation and friendship between all farmers. Click Here.


National FFA Organization

The National FFA Organization FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education.  

The letters “FFA” stand for Future Farmers of America. These letters are a part of our history and our heritage that will never change. But FFA is not just for students who want to be production farmers; FFA also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more. For this reason, the name of the organization was updated in 1988 after a vote of national convention delegates to reflect the growing diversity and new opportunities in the industry of agriculture.

Today, the National FFA Organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.


Mix My Sprayer for iOS and Android

Clemson University developed Mix My Sprayer to aid with quick, accurate calculations of product mixes to be applied with spraying equipment. Users can create custom lists of favorite products by category. Simply add or select a product, insert values in each input box, and the app automatically calculates the amount of product to include in the user-defined mix size. Units for each input can be customized by tapping the unit buttons. Products are saved with the user settings last used.

This free mobile smartphone app is designed for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android devices. Click here to download.


Local Dirt

Buy, sell and find local food with Local Dirt. How it works, buyers can search and source local food in their area with the added convenience of online ordering. Sellers can easily find new buyers and sell their products online. Local Dirt will even automate your invoicing and track your inventory. Farmer markets, buying clubs and co-ops can automate ordering, inventory, price sheets and invoicing. Click Here!



Take farming further with goCrop™

goCrop uses integrated web and mobile applications to help farmers plan, analyze and report nutrient management practices with streamlined speed. Designed by farmers who understand the virtue of efficiency, goCrop keeps you focused on farming.

The app is available for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Learn more


Fieldprint Calculator

The Fieldprint Calculator is a free online tool for growers to voluntarily and securely analyze how their management choices impact natural resources and operational efficiency. Field To Market has developed the Calculator as an easy way to find out how your current land use, energy use, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and soil loss compare with state and national averages.





Farmland Information Center (FIC)


Farm and Dairy Agri-Book

Farm and Dairy Agri-Book contains a catalog of Agribusinesses as well as Regional, State, Local Listings of Agri-Bureaus, Agencies, Associations and Organizations (Government and Private Sectors). Click here.



COMET-FARM™ is a  whole farm and ranch carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system.  The tool guides you through describing your farm and ranch management practices including alternative future management scenarios. Once complete, a report is generated comparing the carbon changes and greenhouse gas emissions between your current management practices and future scenarios.


Best Tree Finder

The Arbor Day Foundation has created a tool that helps you find the best tree for your area. Just answer a few quick questions as to what you are looking for and the environment that you are in and the Tree-Finder will give you a list of suggested species. Click here.


Annie's Project

Annie's Project offers a variety of extension classes across the country that educate farm women on risk management. The classes empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information. Click here to see courses offered in your state.


Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC)

The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center is an electronic, national resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture. The site works to provide unbiased, science-based marketing information for U.S. farmers and ranchers. There is information related to commodities and products, market and industry trends, business creation and operation, research results and value-added resources.

This site is an on-going project of the Iowa State University and partially funded by USDA Rural Development. Click here. 


Fifth annual cover crop survey results

The 2016-2017 cover crop survey report from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SARE) program, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) and American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is now available.& ...

First launched in September of 2008, is a comprehensive compilation of information resources on farm financing, finding land, business planning, agricultural production and marketing, and much more. It is also a constantly updated blog providing the latest information and news on farm policy, farming jobs and internships, agricultural research, and the changing face of American agriculture. Beginning Farmers provides content relevant to new, experienced, and aspiring farmers, as well as farm educators, activists, and policy makers.

Through core resource pages and frequent blog postings, Beginning farmers provides a robust and constantly growing forum for sharing information and ideas about starting new farms, and a broad range of content related to the development of sustainable agriculture and food systems.


What are Food Hubs

A Food Hub is a business or organization that actively manages the aggregation, distribution, and marketing of course-identified food products primarily from local and regional producers to strengthen their ability to satisfy wholesale, retail, and institutional demand.


National Organic Farming Handbook

The handbook describes organic systems and identifies key resources to guide conservation planning and implementation on organic farms. Producers and other audiences may also find the handbook useful, particularly the resources listed in various sections.


2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation

The 2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation was prepared as an introduction for fish and wildlife conservation providers – the on-the-ground biologists and conservation partners who help deliver Farm Bill conservation programs to landowners.


Start Farming! Resources for the Beginning Farmer

If you are seriously considering starting up an agricultural business, there are a number of important things to consider. Get started on the right path by defining your goals and skills, gaining experience and education, choosing your marketing strategies, and financing your agricultural venture.


The Biology of Soil Compaction

Soil compaction is a common and constant problem on most farms that till the soil. Heavy farm machinery can create persistent subsoil compaction (Hakansson and Reeder, 1994).


Farmer's Tax Guide

This publication explains how the federal tax laws apply to farming. Use this publication as a guide to figure your taxes and complete your farm tax return.& ...


Let’s Get Serious About Conservation

This Farm and Dairy article explains how conservation is a journey for our country.


Younger Beginning Farmers Tend To Operate Larger Farms

Younger beginning farmers are more likely to operate large farms than are older operators of beginning farms. These farmers tend to earn more on their farm, and less off their farm, but have more debt than older beginning farmers.


Local Food a Growing Trend for Land Trusts

Land trusts across the country are preserving agricultural lands to support local food systems. 


Conservation Buffers on your Land

Considering conservation buffers on your land?  The USDA has 250,000 or more buffer contracts with about 160,000 farms and ranches. They may be a good choice for your land and for the environment.


Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities - A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems, and Community Development

This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture.


Does America Need More Organic Farmers?

Organic farming has been one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture for over a decade.  After the USDA implemented national organic standards in 2002, certified organic farmland doubled by 2005.


Show Beginning Farmer Organizations & Professionals (455)
There are 455 resources serving NW Colorado Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Beginning Farmer Organizations & Professionals serving NW Colorado Region
Agronomists and Crop Advisers
American Grazing Lands Services LLC
Jim & Dawn Gerrish - May, ID
Andrea Taillacq
- Wellington, CO
Arthur Etter
- Paonia, CO
Brink Incorporated
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Chad TeVelde, P.E.
AGPROfessionals - Sr. Professional Engineer - Greeley, CO
Crop Quest, Inc.
- Dodge City, KS
Daniel Spare
Spare Engineering - Hesston, KS
Erin Kress
THEngineering - Calhan, CO
Jeremy Gilliam
- Grand Junction, CO
Kelly Triece
- Denver, CO
Luke D. Gingerich
- Palisade, CO
Poole Chemical Co.
- Texline, TX
Robert Gallegos
- Austin, CO
Scot Knutson
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Tim Naylor
Agprofessionals - Director of Operation - Greeley, CO
Travis Hertneky
- Calhan, CO
Tyler Desiderio
- Hotchkiss, CO
Wild Dream Hemp Company
- Tignall, GA
Conservation Districts
Colorado Association of Conservation Districts
- Lamar, CO
Colorado First Conservation District
- Craig, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Douglas Creek Conservation District
- Meeker, CO
Middle Park Conservation District
North Park Conservancy District
- Walden, CO
North Park Conservation District
- Walden, CO
Routt County Conservation District
- Steamboat Springs, CO
White River Conservation District
- Meeker, CO
Conservation Groups and Associations
Access Fund
- Boulder, CO
ACRE Investment Management, LLC
- The Plains, VA
Agrarian Trust
Ian McSweeney - Director - Weare, NH
- Washington, DC
Agronomic Science Foundation
Susan Dearing-Bond - Director - Fitchburg, WI
American Agri-Women
- Colchester, VT
American Conservation Coalition
- Appleton, WI
American Farm Bureau Federation
- Washington, DC
American Fisheries Society
- Bethesda, MD
American Forest Foundation
- Washington, DC
American Forests
- Washington, DC
American Friends of Canadian Conservation
Sandra Tassel - Program Coordinator - Bellingham, WA
American Hiking Society
- Silver Spring, MD
American Rivers
Jaime Sigaran - Associate Director - Washington, DC
Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. AICP
- Willsboro, NY
Arbor Day Foundation
- Nebraska City, NE
Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
- Washington, DC
Bat Conservation International
- Austin, TX
Bee City USA
An Initiative of the Xerces Society - Portland, OR
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
- Brighton, CO
Boone and Crockett Club
- Missoula, MT
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - New Brunswick Chapter
Roberta Clowater - Executive Director - Fredericton, NB
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Ottawa, ON
Center for Collaborative Conservation
Warner College of Natural Resources - Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Center for Large Landscape Conservation
- Bozeman, MT
Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance
- Missoula, MT
Greg Newman - Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
- Grand Junction, CO
Colorado Agricultural Leadership Foundation
- Castle Rock, CO
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
Sarah Smith - Marketing & Communications Director - Arvada, CO
Colorado Historical Foundation
- Golden, CO
Colorado Mountain Club
- Golden, CO
Colorado Nonprofit Association
Renny Fagan - President and CEO - Denver, CO
Colorado Pheasants Forever
Bob Hix - Regional Representative for Colorado & Wyoming - Aurora, CO
Colorado State Land Board
- Denver, CO
Colorado Watershed Assembly
- Glendale, CO
Colorado Wildlife Federation
- Denver, CO
Colorado Wildlife Heritage Foundation
- Denver, CO
Community for Sustainable Energy
Fred Kirsch - Director - Fort Collins, CO
- Washington, DC
Conservation Colorado
Beka Wilson - Denver, CO
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Conservation Plus
- The Plains, VA
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)
- West Lafayette, IN
Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forests Insects and Diseases
- Sheffield, MA
Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports
- Washington, DC
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
- Bismarck, ND
EcoAgriculture Partners
- Oakton, VA
Ecological Restoration Business Association
- Tysons, VA
- Flagstaff, AZ
Environment Colorado
- Denver, CO
Environmental Incentives
- South Lake Tahoe, CA
Equine Land Conservation Resource
- Lexington, KY
Family Farm Alliance
- Klamath Falls, OR
Farmers For Monarchs
Franklin Holley - Keystone, CO
Forest Stewards Guild
- Santa Fe, NM
Forest Stewardship Council
- Minneapolis, MN
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Great Ecology
- San Diego, CA
Great Outdoors Colorado
- Denver, CO
Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development
Gail Nosek - Communications Director - Minneapolis, MN
Green School Alliance
- New York, NY
Greenway Foundation
- Denver, CO
High Plains Environmental Center
- Loveland, CO
Hunt Fish 30x30 Coalition
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation - Washington, DC
Iara Lacher
Seven Bends Nursery - Ecologist / Consultant - Berryville, VA
Institute for Environmental Solutions
- Denver, CO
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program
Monarch Joint Venture - St. Paul, MN
Intermountain West Joint Venture
- Missoula, MT
Itasca Ladyslipper Farm
Carol Steele - Grand Rapids, MN
Izaak Walton League
- Gaithersburg, MD
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Journey North
- Madison, WI
Julia Debes
Pheasants Forever - Working Lands for Wildlife Director of Agricultural Communications - Hoisington, KS
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
Land Trust Alliance
- Washington, DC
Mad Agriculture
- Boulder, CO
- Plymouth, MA
Marbleseed - Spring Valley, WI
Mark Howell
Grounded Truths LLC - Director/Emergency & Fire Mgmt Specialist - Doniphan, MO
Metro Blooms
Becky Rice - Executive Director - Minneapolis, MN
Monarch Collaborative
Keystone Policy Center - Keystone, CO
Monarch Flyway
- Ogallala, NE
Monarch Joint Venture
- St. Paul, MN
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
- Madison, WI
Mule Deer Foundation
- Salt Lake City, UT
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Association of Wetland Managers
Marla J. Stelk - Executive Director - Portland, ME
National Audubon Society
- New York, NY
National Deer Association
- Bogart, GA
National Family Farm Coaltion
- Washington, DC
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- Washington, DC
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Rocky Mountain Regional Office
Chris West - Director - Denver, CO
National Forestry Association
Keith A. Argow - President, Director at Large - Vienna, VA
National Grazing Lands Coalition
Monti Golla - National GLC Executive Director - College Station, TX
National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Washington, DC
National Wild Turkey Federation
- Edgefield, SC
National Wild Turkey Federation - Colorado State Chapter
- Larkspur, CO
National Wildlife Federation
- Reston, VA
Natural Areas Association
- Pittsburgh, PA
Nature Manitoba
Roger Turenne - President - Winnipeg, MB
No-till on the Plains
- Protection, KS
North American Grouse Partnership
- Garden Valley, ID
Orianne Society
- Tiger, GA
Parks for Pollinators
National Recreation and Park Association - Ashburn, VA
Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands
- Missoula, MT
Partners for Western Conservation
- Arvada, CO
Partners in the Sage
- Missoula, MT
Steve Jester - Executive Director - Pueblo, CO
Partnership for Conservation
- Washington, DC
Partnership of Rangeland Trusts
- Arvada, CO
Pheasants Forever
- St Paul, MN
Pinchot Institute for Conservation
V. Alaric Sample - President - Washington, DC
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Pollinators Prospering People
- Baltimore, MD
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Project Apis m.
- Salt Lake City, UT
Project Monarch Health
- Athens, GA
Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation
- Buffalo, MO
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
- Washington, DC
River Partners
- Chico, CA
RiversEdge West
- Grand Junction, CO
Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society
- Coraopolis, PA
Sage Grouse Initiative
Tim Griffiths - West Regional Coordinator - Bozeman, MT
Savory Institute
- Boulder, CO
Soil and Water Conservation Society
- Ankeny, IA
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southwest Monarch Study
- Chandler, AZ
Sportsmen's Alliance
- Columbus, OH
Susan Lohr
Lohr Associates - Grand Junction, CO
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Kathy Abusow - President and CEO - Washington, DC
Sustainable Monarchs
- North Platte, NE
Tax Credit Connection, Inc.
Ariel Steele, Owner - Berthoud, CO
Terrafirma RRG LLC
- Burlington, VT
Texan by Nature
- Austin, TX
The Climate Trust
- Portland, OR
The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation
- Washington, DC
The Conservation Fund
- Arlington, VA
The Fund for Wild Nature
- La Canada, CA
The Land Institute
- Salina, KS
The Meateater Land Access Initiative
Meat EaterMT
The Pollinator Partnership
- San Francisco, CA
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- Portland, OR
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- Washington, DC
Thunder Bay Field Naturalists
Bruce Thacker - President - Thunder Bay, ON
Trout Headwaters, Inc.
- Livingston, MT
U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA)
- Chesterfield, MO
Unique Places To Save
- Chapel Hill, NC
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
- London, ON
USA National Phenology Network
- Tucson, AZ
Valleys 2000
Bill Huether - Treasurer - Bowmanville, ON
Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation
- Halifax, VA
Western Aquatic Plant Management Society
- Portland, OR
Western Growers
- Irvine, CA
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network
- Manomet, MA
Western Landowners Alliance
Lesli Allison - Executive Director - Santa Fe, NM
Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper
Xerces Society - Portland, OR
Western Monarch Working Group
- Boise, ID
Western Native Trout Initiative
Therese Thompson - Project Coordinator - Lakewood, CO
Western Resource Advocates
- Boulder, CO
Western Rivers Conservancy
- Portland, OR
Wild Sheep Foundation
- Bozeman, MT
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
- Longmont, CO
Wildlife Forever
- White Bear Lake, MN
Wildlife Management Institute
- Gardners, PA
Wildlife Research Institute
- Julian, CA
Women, Food & Agriculture Network
- Ames, IA
Consultants - Land
Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. AICP
- Willsboro, NY
Brenda Schick
Singing Stream Conservation Consultants - Principal - La Jolla, CA
Brink Incorporated
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Brink, Inc.
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Bruce F. Short
Short Forestry, LLC - Owner - Mancos, CO
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Cary Aloia
- Monte Vista, CO
Chad TeVelde, P.E.
AGPROfessionals - Sr. Professional Engineer - Greeley, CO
Cirrus Ecological Solutions
Neal Artz - Logan, UT
Colorado Wildlife Science, LLC
Jonathan Lowsky - Principal Ecologist - Basalt, CO
Conservation Consulting Group
Nancy W. Moore - Managing Partner - Monona, WI
David Harper
Land in Common - Charleston, SC
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Design Workshop
Anna Laybourn - Principal - Aspen, CO
Double W Services, Inc.
Wiiliam Roy Williams - Lakewood, CO
E. David Sharman
Certified Prof Agronomist - Brush, CO
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
- Memphis, TN
Evr-green Management Group, Inc
Matt S. Campbell - President - Rome, GA
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
- Charlottesville, VA
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Gerald Knudsen
Agritech Consulting - Morrison, CO
Green Infrastructure Center
Karen Firehock - Executive Director - Charlottesville, VA
Greener Prospects
- Brunswick, ME
Gregg Elliott
K Gregg Consulting - Conservation Communications Consultant - Cordova, TN
Hemard & Company
Victor E. Hemard Jr. - President - Texarkana, TX
Holistic Management International
Sandy Langelier - Director, Communications & Outreach - Albuquerque, NM
Iara Lacher
Seven Bends Nursery - Ecologist / Consultant - Berryville, VA
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
Jason B. Stinson, CCIM
Commercial Realty Services of Alabama, LLC - Managing Member & Principal - Gadsden, AL
Jennifer Migliorato
- Breckenridge, CO
Jeremy Sokulsky
Environmental Incentives - President - South Lake Tahoe, CA
Joel Russell
Joel Russell Associates - Principal - Northampton, MA
Julie Boggs
Peoples Company - Land Manager, AFM - Monroe, LA
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Land Conservation Assistance Network
Amos Eno - President / Executive Director - Yarmouth, ME
Land EKG
Charley Orchard - Ten Sleep, WY
Linda Ziccardi
Alpine EcoSciences LLC - Owner - Golden, CO
Living Habitats LLC
Heidi Natura, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP - Principal & CEO - Chicago, IL
LJ Conservation Matters
Leonard Jordan - Douglasville, GA
Mark Lewis
Mississippi Land Company - Mayhew, MS
Martin Property Research, Inc.
Michael J. Martin, CFA, MAI - Real Estate Appraiser - Denver, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
Mauriello Planning Group, LLC
Dominic F. Mauriello - Principal - Eagle, CO
Mayes, Wilson & Associates
- San Marcos, TX
National NEMO Network
- Haddam, CT
Pinchot Institute for Conservation
V. Alaric Sample - President - Washington, DC
Plan Tools, LLC
- Loveland, CO
PlanIt Forward
Patrick Crist - Principal - Broomfield, CO
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Rhizoterra Inc.
Avril Stevenson - Project Manager - Spokane, WA
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Shelli Bischoff
Conservation Impact - President - Denver, CO
Solutions in the Land, LLC
- Kenosha, WI
SRP Environmental, LLC
- Shreveport, LA
Stacy W. Jackson
Jackson Real Estate Professionals, LLC - Owner - Winnsboro, TX
Strategic Conservation Solutions, LLC
Bruce I. Knight - Principal and Founder - Washington, DC
Synergy Resource Solutions, Inc.
- Belgrade, MT
Thomas L. Daniels
University of Pennsylvania School of Design - Professor of City and Regional Planning - Philadelphia, PA
Travis Hertneky
- Calhan, CO
Understanding Ag, LLC
- Fort Payne, AL
Unique Places Southwest
Michael Scisco - Regional Director & Director of GIS and Cartography - Albuquerque, NM
Wright Water Engineers
Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CPESC - Denver, CO
CSU Extension
Colorado State Forest Service Nursery
- Fort Collins, CO
Grand County Extension
- Kremmling, CO
Jackson County Extension
- Walden, CO
Moffat County Extension
- Craig, CO
Rio Blanco County Extension
- Meeker, CO
Routt County Extension
- Steamboat Springs, CO
Federal And State Agency Landowner Specialists
Chris Yarbrough
Private Lands Range/Wildlife Ecologist - Craig Field Office - Craig, CO
Marcella Tarantino
SGI Strategic Watershed Action Team - Farm Bill Biologist - Montrose, CO
Rebecca Burton
SGI Strategic Watershed Action Team - Farm Bill Biologist - Craig, CO
Federal and State Tax Incentives and Programs
Current Use Tax Program
- Montpelier, VT
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center - Raleigh, NC
Managed Forest Law
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Madison, WI
Native Prairie and Wildlife Habitat - Property Tax Benefits
- Des Moines, IA
Native Prairie Tax Exemption Program
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - St Paul, MN
Open Space Conservation - Property Tax Benefits
- Crownsville, MD
Reforestation Tax Credit Program
- Oregon Department of Forestry - Salem, OR
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Waterfowl Restoration Program
- Cambridge, MD
FSA Local Offices
Moffat County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Craig Service Center - Craig, CO
Rio Blanco County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Meeker Service Center - Meeker, CO
Routt County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Steamboat Spgs Service Center - Steamboat Spgs, CO
Government Agencies
Bureau of Land Management
Nikki Haskett - Office of National Conservation Lands and Community Partnerships - Washington, DC
Bureau of Land Management
Colorado State Office - Lakewood, CO
Christopher Warren
USDA/Rural Development - Business Grant & Loan Analyst - Washington, DC
Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Broomfield, CO
Colorado Department of Natural Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 6
Brian Romig - Lead Water Administrator - Steamboat Springs, CO
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Denver, CO
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
- Denver, CO
Colorado State Forest Service
- Fort Collins, CO
Colorado State Land Board
- Denver, CO
Colorado State Land Board
District 1 - Northwest - Steamboat Springs, CO
Craig Area Office
USDA Rural Development - Craig, CO
Division of Water Resources Division 5
Lindsey Latham - Program Assistant - Glenwood Springs, CO
Hot Sulphur Springs Office
Clorado Parks and Wildlife - Northwest Region - Hot Sulphur Springs, CO
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
Meeker Office
Clorado Parks and Wildlife - Northwest Region - Meeker, CO
Monarch Conservation Science Partnership
- LA Crosse, WI
National Association of Wetland Managers
Marla J. Stelk - Executive Director - Portland, ME
National Invasive Species Council
U.S. Department of the Interior - Washington, DC
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Washington, DC
NRCS National Water Quality Initiative
- Washington, DC
Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
- Denver, CO
Royal Gorge Field Office
Bureau of Land Management - Canon City, CO
State and Private Forestry
USDA Forest Service - Office of Communication - Washington, DC
Steamboat Springs Office
Clorado Parks and Wildlife - Northwest Region - Steamboat Springs, CO
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Washington, DC
U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Washington, DC
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Washington, DC
Uncompahgre Field Office
Bureau of Land Management - Montrose, CO
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior - Washington, DC
US Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Washington, DC
USDA Rural Development - Colorado Office
- Denver, CO
Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
- Cheyenne, WY
Western Governors’ Association
James Ogsbury - Executive Director - Denver, CO
White River Field Office
Bureau of Land Management - Meeker, CO
White's Creek Lake Campground
- Eupora, MS
Irrigation Suppliers and Contractors
Agri Drain
- Adair, IA
Anson Excavating & Pipe, Inc.
- Craig, CO
Central Pump Company, Inc.
- Center, CO
Daniel Spare
Spare Engineering - Hesston, KS
- Willits, CA
Maximized Water Management LLC
William (Bill) Fuchs - Owner - Chester, ID
Netafim Drip-Micro Irrigation Products
Netafim USA - Fresno, CA
Quality Irrigation - Yuma
- Yuma, CO
Reinke Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Chris Roth - President - Deshler, NE
Land Surveyors
- Memphis, TN
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Certified Forester (Forestry Consultants) - Portland, OR
Ron Barrett, L.S.
Del-Mont Consultants, Inc. - Vice President, Surveying - Montrose, CO
NRCS Local Offices
Craig Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Craig Service Center - Craig, CO
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
Meeker Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Meeker Service Center - Meeker, CO
Steamboat Springs Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Steamboat Spgs Service Center - Steamboat Spgs, CO
Walden Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Walden Service Center - Walden, CO
Rural-Farmer, Rancher, and Fishery Cooperatives
Bear River Valley Farmers Cooperative
- Hayden, CO
Chestnut Growers of America
- Richmond, VA
Country Natural Beef
- Redmond, OR
Josh Thorsbrough - Owner - Alvin, IL
Nick Dorrell - Industry, TX
Organic Valley
- La Farge, WI
San Pedro Ranch
Chase Currie - Carrizo Springs, TX
Select Sires Inc.
- Plain City, OH
Small Farm Resources
American AgAppraisal
Hal Forcey, ARA - Santa Rosa, CA
Boyd Crowder
TJ Crowder & Sons - Owner/Manager - Iliff, CO
Brink, Inc.
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Colorado Land Link
Guidestone Colorado - Salida, CO
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado
- Colorado Springs, CO
Ranch Management Consultants, Inc.
- Wheatland, WY
State Funding / Technical Resources
Colorado Building Farmers
Project Director - Dawn Thilmany - Longmont, CO
Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Broomfield, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 6
Brian Romig - Lead Water Administrator - Steamboat Springs, CO
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program
Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Forest Legacy Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
David Anderson - Director and Chief Scientist - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Denver, CO
Colorado River Water Conservancy District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Small Range Maintenance Grants
- Denver, CO
Colorado Tree Farm Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Walk-in Access Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program
Amanda Nims - Denver, CO
Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Division of Water Resources Division 5
Lindsey Latham - Program Assistant - Glenwood Springs, CO
Forest Ag Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Game Damage Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Granby Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Granby, CO
Grand Junction Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Grand Junction, CO
Habitat Partnership Program
- Grand Junction, CO
Lesser Prairie Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Boise, ID
North Park Conservancy District
- Walden, CO
Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
- Denver, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Ranching for Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Recovery & Conservation Plans
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN)
- Fort Collins, CO
Steamboat Springs Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Steamboat Springs, CO
The Grassland Species Plan
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District
Kevin McBride - District Manager - Steamboat Springs, CO
Wetland Wildlife Conservation Program
- Fort Collins, CO
USDA - FSA Programs
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Biomass Crop Assistance Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Colorado Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loan Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Denver, CO
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Conservation Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Forest Restoration Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Ownership Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Grassland Conservation Reserve Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Guaranteed Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Highly Fractionated Indian Land Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Indian Tribal Land Acquisition Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Forage Disaster Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Indemnity Program
USDA FSA - Washington, DC
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP)
USDA Agricultural Research Service - Missoula, MT
Source Water Protection Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Transition Incentives Program (TIP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
USDA - NRCS Programs
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Colorado Conservation Stewardship Program
Eugene Backhaus - State Resource Conservationist - Denver, CO
Colorado Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Debra M Molinaro - FA Program Manager - Denver, CO
Colorado Grassland Reserve Program
- Denver, CO
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP)
- Washington, DC
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
EQIP Organic Initiative
- Washington, DC
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.
- Tampa, FL
Healthy Forest Reserve Program
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
James E. 'Bud' Smith Plant Materials Center
- Knox City, TX
Longleaf Pine Initiative
NRCS - Washington, DC
Los Lunas Plant Materials Center
- Los Lunas, NM
Manhattan Plant Materials Center
- Manhattan, KS
NRCS National Water Quality Initiative
- Washington, DC
Ogallala Aquifer Initiative
Barry Frantz - Coordinator - Washington, DC
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
- Washington, DC
Small scale solutions for your farm
USDA - NRCS - Washington, DC
The Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative
USDA-NRCS - Marysville, KS
USDA-NRCS Colorado
Clint Evans - State Conservationist (STC) - Denver, CO
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP)
Lisa McCauley - Program Manager - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT
USDA Programs - Other
Bee Disease Diagnosis Service
Bee Research Laboratory - Beltsville, MD
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program
Denis Ebodaghe - National Program Leader - Division of Agricultural Systems - Kansas City, MO
Christopher Warren
USDA/Rural Development - Business Grant & Loan Analyst - Washington, DC
Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
Rural Development Loan Programs
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
State and Private Forestry
USDA Forest Service - Office of Communication - Washington, DC
The Advanced Biofuel Payment Program
Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA - Washington, DC
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
USDA Rural Development - Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants - Washington, DC
Value-Added Producer Grant Program
USDA Office of Rural Development - Washington, DC
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT

 Farm Best Management Practices

Show Articles on Farm Best Management Practices (31)
Grazing Management for the Future

For BLM field staff, building and maintaining long-term relationships is a key ingredient when collaborating with operators to renew their grazing authorizations. This video features the voices of BLM employees speaking to their experiences working with Outcome-Based Grazing Authorizations, which enable ranch managers to respond to changing conditions, as needed.


Grazing Management for the Future

For BLM field staff, building and maintaining long-term relationships is a key ingredient when collaborating with operators to renew their grazing authorizations.


2022 Census of AG Fact Sheet

The Census of Agriculture is a “complete count” of farms and ranches and the people who operate them for every state and county in the United States.


Working Lands For Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife —a voluntary, incentive-based effort—the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its conservation partners will provide landowners with technical and financial assistance to: Restore populations of declining wildlife species.


Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands: A Guide for Understanding Risk and Vulnerability

A new guide, produced through a partnership between public university extension programs in the Great Plains, the USDA-NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW), the USDA-NRCS’s Central National Technology Support Center (CNTSC), and various other conservation partners, provides the first-ever framework for addressing woody encroachment, now recognized as one of the top two drivers of grassland loss in the Great Plains.


ACP (Asian Citrus Psyllid)/HLB (Huanglongbing Disease) Distribution and Management


Regenerative Agriculture

Watch and listen as this expert panel discusses the current state of agriculture and conservation in today's world. Moderated by Alex Echols this panel provides insight and information on the current state of agricultural practices.


Cattlemen’s Land Trust at the Forefront of Conservation

Watch and listen to an on-the-ground panel of experts talk about the relationship of how ranchers and conservationists work together provides successful conservation outcomes while keeping working lands working.


Agrilyst Inc.

Agrilyst is a web-based software platform that helps indoor farms manage their crops and gain data-driven insights to make more profitable production decisions.

Run your farm optimally at all times. With Agrilyst, you can create quick and easy seeding plans from templates for each of your crops. Built for indoor operations, templates make it simple to schedule cut-and-come again varieties, partial harvests, vine harvests, and more. Seeding plans sync automatically with tasks so everyone in your facility knows what to do every day.

Contact Information


68 Jay St., Suite 201

Brooklyn, NY 11201


(646) 878-6840



Mix My Sprayer for iOS and Android

Clemson University developed Mix My Sprayer to aid with quick, accurate calculations of product mixes to be applied with spraying equipment. Users can create custom lists of favorite products by category. Simply add or select a product, insert values in each input box, and the app automatically calculates the amount of product to include in the user-defined mix size. Units for each input can be customized by tapping the unit buttons. Products are saved with the user settings last used.

This free mobile smartphone app is designed for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android devices. Click here to download.


Grasslands Beneficial Management Practices Tool


Fifth annual cover crop survey results

The 2016-2017 cover crop survey report from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SARE) program, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) and American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is now available.& ...


Best Management Practices for Reducing Ammonia Emissions

Production of ammonia is an inevitable part of livestock production, but ammonia emissions can be reduced through good management. Strategies to reduce ammonia emissions from livestock production have focused primarily on preventing ammonia formation and volatilization, or downwind transport of ammonia after it is volatilized.


Best Management Practices for Reducing Ammonia Emissions - Feedlot Pen Management

Confined cattle feeding operations have been identified as a potential source of airborne ammonia emissions. The majority of ammonia produced at feedlots comes from fresh urine on pen surfaces.


Agricultural Chemicals and Groundwater Protection Program

The Agricultural Chemicals and Groundwater Protection Program was created to protect groundwater and the environment from impairment or degradation due to the improper use of agricultural chemicals while allowing for their proper and correct use.


Integrating Bird Conservation into Range Management

This manual is designed to assist resource professionals with integrating birds and their habitat needs into range management and monitoring, and to train landowners and land managers to do the same.& ...


Sharing Your Land with Prairie Wildlife

This third edition of this manual (formerly entitled Sharing Your Land With Shortgrass Prairie Birds) is about how to help birds and other wildlife make a living from the land while you do the same.


Best Management Practices for Shortgrass Prairie Birds

The information in this guide is designed to guide you in creating and maintaining habitat for 13 bird species of the shortgrass prairie, birds that are in need of conservation efforts.


Stream Crossing

Learn about small scale solutions for your farm with this instructional pamphlet.



AgroClimate is an innovative web-resource for decision-support and learning, providing interactive tools and climate information to improve crop management decisions and reduce production risks associated with climate variability, climate change, and extreme weather events. Users can monitor variables of interest such as growing degree days, chill hours, freeze risk, disease risks for selected crops, and current and projected drought conditions. Users can also learn about the impacts of climate cycles affecting the Southeastern United States, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

AgroClimate uses crop simulation models along with historic, current, and forecasted climate data to allow decision makers to compare changes in probable outcomes under different climate conditions.

Water and carbon footprint calculators on AgroClimate can provide system-specific estimates of how efficiently water and energy are being used. AgroClimate also includes educational resources, including videos and fact sheets, about management practices and technologies that can help improve efficiency of production and decrease the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate variability and change.

AgroClimate is regularly used during training events for County Extension faculty and during workshops with agricultural producers. Its modular platform allows for an easy replication in other geographies and for content expansion.


How to Compost and Use Horse Manure- A Step-By-Step Guide for Horse Owners

Provides essential steps for building and using a horse manure composting system that can be managed without the aid of a tractor. This system is intended for backyard or small farm (ranchette) operations with 1 to 5 horses.


Creating & Using a Sacrifice Area for Horses- A Good Start for Healthy Pastures

A sacrifice area is any small enclosure intended to be a horse's outdoor living quarters during the winter and spring. These areas can improve the health and productivity of pastures.


Farmer's Tax Guide

This publication explains how the federal tax laws apply to farming. Use this publication as a guide to figure your taxes and complete your farm tax return.& ...


How to Choose a Certification Agency and the Organic Certification Process

There are many USDA accredited certification agencies that can certify your farm or enterprise as organic. So how do you find the right agency to work with you? Here are some questions you should ask the agencies and some things to ask neighboring farmers.


Managing Manure with Biogas Recovery Systems BMPs

Improved performance at competitive costs is promised by this 2002 EPA publication all about anaerobic digestion and biogas recovery for energy.


Managing Manure Nutrients at Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

A lengthy document from EPA (2004), Managing Manure contains information pertinent to Large CAFOs in the Dairy Cows and Cattle other than Veal Calves and the Swine, Poultry, and Veal Calves subcategories of the final CAFO regulations.


Working Trees for Agriculture

Putting trees to work in conservation and production systems for farms, ranches, and nearby communities means planting the right trees, in the right places and in the correct design to achieve desired objectives.


Watering Facilities for Managed Grazing Systems


Drainage Ditch Research Reveals Opportunities for Cleaning Up Runoff

 Vegetated drainage ditches can help clean up runoff water.


Farmers’ Guide to Wind Energy

A 293 page guide to the Legal Issues in Farming the Wind on your farm from June 2007


Nutrient Management Conservation Practice Standard

Nutrient Management is defined as the management of the 4R's of Nutrient Management:Right amount (rate), Right source, Right placement (method of application), Right timing of commercial fertilizers, manure, soil amendments, and organic by-products to agricultural landscapes as a source of plant nutrients while protecting local air, soil and water quality.


 Farm Income Opportunities

Show Articles on Farm Income Opportunities (14)
Local Dirt

Buy, sell and find local food with Local Dirt. How it works, buyers can search and source local food in their area with the added convenience of online ordering. Sellers can easily find new buyers and sell their products online. Local Dirt will even automate your invoicing and track your inventory. Farmer markets, buying clubs and co-ops can automate ordering, inventory, price sheets and invoicing. Click Here!


Harvest To Hand

Are you looking for a local harvest festival, farmers market, pick-your-own, locally made products or family-friendly farms? Harvest to Hand is a smartphone app here to help promote a sustainable way of life for local agriculture across the United States (available for iPhone® and Android™ mobile devices). Consumers have easy access to fresh farm products, events and home-spun goods right at their fingertips through our free Harvest to Hand app. Click here to explore the app online. 


Grassroots Guide to Federal Farm and Food Programs



AgProfit™ is a computer program designed to assist agricultural producers make long-run decisions when implementing technologies to a specific crop or analyzing cropping systems. AgProfit™ estimates machinery, labor, and production input costs as well as fruit size, grade, and total yield for calculating returns for crops with multiple establishment and production years. The program allows you to inflate specific return and input cost items over time to analyze the net present value, internal rate of return, and financial feasibility when implementing a particular technology, making minor changes to returns or input costs, or comparing cropping systems.

AgProfit™ is free to use and requires users to register with the AgTools website and obtain a license.

View the AgProfit™ presentation


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.


Taking the First Step - Farm and Ranch Alternative Enterprise and Agritourism Resource Evaluation Guide

This publication was prepared in response to requests from local advisors, farmers, and ranchers for a simple guide to the first step in identifying alternative income-producing agricultural enterprises and agritourism opportunities.


What are Food Hubs

A Food Hub is a business or organization that actively manages the aggregation, distribution, and marketing of course-identified food products primarily from local and regional producers to strengthen their ability to satisfy wholesale, retail, and institutional demand.


The Regional Food Hub Resource Guide

The guide is an extensive collection of information and resources, providing background on everything needed to develop or participate in a regional food hub.


Farmer’s Markets

Farmers' markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers.


Community Supported Agriculture - What It is and Where to Find It

Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is the practice of focusing on the local production of high quality foods with the support of a consumer group that is willing to fund a whole season's budget in order to get quality foods.


Grasslands and Carbon - Processes and Trends

Rebecca McCulley of the University of Kentucky, Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences presents this video short course on Grasslands, which make up 30% of the U.S ...


Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers

The Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers, produced by the American Farmland Trust (AFT), provides an overview of available market opportunities for environmental credits and services, how farmers and ranchers can get involved in them, and ways to encourage their continued growth.


Regional Food Hubs - Linking Producers to new markets

This presentation illustrates what the core components of food hubs are; provides examples of  successful food hubs, one urban - La Montanita Co-op Food Market in New Mexico, and one rural - Appalachian Sustainable Development in Virginia; describes the lessons learned to date about coordinating successful food hubs; maps existing and potential food hubs; and, finally, gives the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Regional Food Hub Subcommittees work plan for the future.


Selling at Farmers Markets

Ideas and information to make your venture a success.


Rural Bounty

Explore North America's Rural Bounty

Discover the rich bounty of farm fresh fruits and vegetables, outdoor activities, and family fun that our rural countryside has to offer!

  • Daytrip or Vacation to a Farm or Ranch
  • Pick Your Own-Fruits, Pumpkins, Trees
  • Discover Charming Countryside Wineries
  • Challenge Your Hunting & Outdoor Skills

In the U.S. and Canada, there are approximately 65,000 farms and ranches that invite the public to visit, and more and more are becoming members on the Rural Bounty website. We invite you to come back often to plan relaxing day trips, or weeks away, enjoying the Rural Bounty of North America.  Visit website »



Show Farm Income Opportunities Organizations & Professionals (279)
There are 279 resources serving NW Colorado Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Farm Income Opportunities Organizations & Professionals serving NW Colorado Region
Alida’s Fruits
- Palisade, CO
Azura Cellars
- Paonia, CO
B Bar S Ranch
- Nederland, CO
Balistreri Vineyards
- Denver, CO
Barefoot Homestead
- Conifer, CO
Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum
- Fort Collins, CO
Berg Harvest, LLC
- Paonia, CO
Boxwood Gulch Ranch
- Shawnee, CO
Christensen Ranch, LLC
- Weldona, CO
Colorado Cellars Winery - Rocky Mountain Vineyards
- Palisade, CO
Colorado Cider Company
- Denver, CO
Living Water Fibers and Alpacas
- Craig, CO
Nature Conservancy Carpenter Ranch
- Hayden, CO
Villard Ranch
- Craig, CO
Conservation Credit Markets
- Houston, TX
Blue Source
- Cottonwood Heights, UT
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Chestnut Carbon Solutions
- New York, NY
Climate Action Reserve
- Los Angeles, CA
Conservation Tax Credit Transfer, LLC
Jody A. Barbour - Owner - Morrison, CO
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Eco-Harvest Market Program
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium - Falls Church, VA
Ecological Restoration Business Association
- Tysons, VA
Ecosystem Marketplace
- Washington, DC
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
Debbie Reed - Executive Director - Falls Church, VA
EP Carbon
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Carbon Fund
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Carbon Works
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Trends
- Washington, DC
Grassroots Carbon
- San Antonio, TX
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Green Assets, Inc
- Wilmington, NC
Indigo Ag
- Boston, MA
Marstel-Day, LLC
- Fredericksburg, VA
Partners for Western Conservation
- Arvada, CO
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Soil Value Exchange, PBLLC
- Houston, TX
Tax Credit Connection, Inc.
Ariel Steele, Owner - Berthoud, CO
TerraCarbon LLC
- Peoria, IL
Unique Places Conservation
Michael Scisco - Conservation & Mitigation Specialist - Albuquerque, NM
Westervelt Ecological Services
Lucy Harrington - Rocky Mountain Regional Manager - Centennial, CO
Conservation Districts
Colorado Association of Conservation Districts
- Lamar, CO
Colorado First Conservation District
- Craig, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Douglas Creek Conservation District
- Meeker, CO
Middle Park Conservation District
North Park Conservancy District
- Walden, CO
North Park Conservation District
- Walden, CO
Routt County Conservation District
- Steamboat Springs, CO
White River Conservation District
- Meeker, CO
CSU Extension
Colorado State Forest Service Nursery
- Fort Collins, CO
Grand County Extension
- Kremmling, CO
Jackson County Extension
- Walden, CO
Moffat County Extension
- Craig, CO
Rio Blanco County Extension
- Meeker, CO
Routt County Extension
- Steamboat Springs, CO
Department of Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service Programs
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
Dr. Susan Pasko - Executive Secretary, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Ecological Services Program - Baileys Crossroads, VA
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
- Baileys Crossroads, VA
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
Region 6 - Mountain Prairie - Lakewood, CO
Fish Passage Program - Mountain-Prairie Region
Bill Rice - Fish Passage Coordinator - Denver, CO
Habitat Conservation Plans
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
MultiState Conservation Grant Program
Silvana Yaroschuk - MSCGP Program Manager - Washington, DC
National Fish Passage Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement for Monarch Butterfly on Energy and Transportation Lands
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants Program
Guy Foulks - NMBCA Program Coordinator - Falls Church, VA
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Arlington, VA
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program
Rodecia Mcknight - Small Grants Program Coordinator - Falls Church, VA
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Standard Grants Program
Stacy Sanchez - U.S. Standard Grants Program Proposal Coordinator - Falls Church, VA
Partners For Fish And Wildlife Program - National
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in Colorado
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Lakewood, CO
Safe Harbor Agreements
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior - Washington, DC
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
- Falls Church, VA
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT
Banning Lewis Ranch Farmers’ Market
- Colorado Springs, CO
Bicycle Colorado
Dan Grunig - Executive Director - Denver, CO
Colorado Mountain Club
- Golden, CO
Elkhead State Park
- Hayden, CO
Jennifer Standlee
Wildlife Viewing Coordinator, Northwest Region - Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Grand Junction, CO
Pearl Lake State Park
- Clark, CO
Ranching for Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Stagecoach State Park
- Oak Creek, CO
State Forest State Park
- Walden, CO
Steamboat Lake State Park
- Clark, CO
Walking Mountains Science Center
- Avon, CO
Wildlife Viewing Coordinator, Statewide
Mary McCormac - Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Yampa River State Park
- Hayden, CO
Farm Ranch And Forest Retailers
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Brian Stockman - Executive Vice President and CEO - Glendale, CO
Beartooth Capital Partners
Robert Keith - Managing Principal and Co-Founder - Bozeman, MT
Clark & Associates Land Brokers, LLC
Cory Clark - Lusk, WY
Clift Land Brokers
- Amarillo, TX
Colorado Land Link
Guidestone Colorado - Salida, CO
Dan Murphy
M4 Ranch Group - Lake City, CO
Josh Thorsbrough - Owner - Alvin, IL
Nick Dorrell - Industry, TX
Fay Ranches
- Bozeman, MT
Fay Ranches
Greg Fay - Bozeman, MT
Forest Safety Products
- Van Hornesville, NY
Gary Jellum
Broker - Whitney Land Company - Pendleton, OR
Go Native Tree Farm
John Rosenfeld - Owner - Lancaster, PA
Hall and Hall
- Billings, MT
Hayden Outdoors
- Windsor, CO
Ken Mirr
Mirr Ranch Group - Owner/Broker - Denver, CO
L. Sam Middleton, ARA
Chas S. Middleton and Son - Appraiser, Manager - Lubbock, TX
Live Water Properties
- Jackson, WY
Mark Lewis
Mississippi Land Company - Mayhew, MS
Mason & Morse Ranch Company, LLC
- Colorado Springs, CO
Mirr Ranch Group
Mallory Boyce - Marketing Director - Denver, CO
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
San Pedro Ranch
Chase Currie - Carrizo Springs, TX
Food Hubs and Farmers Markets
Banning Lewis Ranch Farmers’ Market
- Colorado Springs, CO
Main Street Farmers Market
- Steamboat Springs, CO
Steamboat Farmers Market
- Steamboat Springs, CO
Steamboat Springs Farmers Market
- Steamboat Springs, CO
FSA Local Offices
Moffat County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Craig Service Center - Craig, CO
Rio Blanco County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Meeker Service Center - Meeker, CO
Routt County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Steamboat Spgs Service Center - Steamboat Spgs, CO
Grant Programs
Acres for America
Thomas E. Kelsch - Vice President, Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund - Washington, DC
Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf - Cooperative Watershed Management Program
Bureau of Reclamation - Austin, TX
Bring Back the Natives
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Portland, OR
Clean Trail Grant Program
Leah Leitch - Grant Outreach - - Malvern, PA
Colorado Small Range Maintenance Grants
- Denver, CO
Colorado Tree Coalition
Mike McGill - Broomfield, CO
Colorado Walk-in Access Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
FACT's Fund-a-Farmer Grants
Food Animal Concerns Trust - Chicago, IL
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
FishAmerica Foundation
Ruth Jackson - Grants Manager - Alexandria, VA
Forest Stewardship Program (FSP)
Andrea Giardina - Landowner Assistance Programs Natural Resource Specialist - Washington, DC
Gates Family Foundation
Thomas A. Gougeon - President - Denver, CO
Great Outdoors Colorado
- Denver, CO
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
Maki Foundation
- Carbondale, CO
Mark Howell
Grounded Truths LLC - Director/Emergency & Fire Mgmt Specialist - Doniphan, MO
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Monarch Butterfly Fund
- Madison, WI
MultiState Conservation Grant Program
Silvana Yaroschuk - MSCGP Program Manager - Washington, DC
National Wildlife Refuge Friends
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Organic Farming Research Foundation
- Santa Cruz, CA
Perennial Fund
- Boulder, CO
Routt County Purchase of Development Rights Program
- Steamboat Springs, CO
SFI Conservation and Community Partnerships Grant Program
Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. - Washington, DC
The Conservation Alliance
John Sterling - Executive Director - Bend, OR
The FruitGuys Community Fund
Chris Mittelstaedt - Founder and Project Director - South San Francisco, CA
The Fund for Wild Nature
- La Canada, CA
The Meateater Land Access Initiative
Meat EaterMT
The Summerlee Foundation
Lynne Starnes - Director of Administration - Dallas, TX
Upper Colorado Basin - Cooperative Watershed Management Program
Bureau of Reclamation - Salt Lake City, UT
Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District
Kevin McBride - District Manager - Steamboat Springs, CO
Value-Added Producer Grant Program
USDA Office of Rural Development - Washington, DC
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP)
NRCS - Washington, DC
WaterSMART Grants
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - Denver, CO
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT
NRCS Local Offices
Craig Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Craig Service Center - Craig, CO
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
Meeker Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Meeker Service Center - Meeker, CO
Steamboat Springs Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Steamboat Spgs Service Center - Steamboat Spgs, CO
Walden Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Walden Service Center - Walden, CO
Small Farm Resources
American AgAppraisal
Hal Forcey, ARA - Santa Rosa, CA
Boyd Crowder
TJ Crowder & Sons - Owner/Manager - Iliff, CO
Brink, Inc.
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Colorado Land Link
Guidestone Colorado - Salida, CO
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado
- Colorado Springs, CO
Ranch Management Consultants, Inc.
- Wheatland, WY
State Funding / Technical Resources
Colorado Building Farmers
Project Director - Dawn Thilmany - Longmont, CO
Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Broomfield, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 6
Brian Romig - Lead Water Administrator - Steamboat Springs, CO
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program
Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Forest Legacy Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
David Anderson - Director and Chief Scientist - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Denver, CO
Colorado River Water Conservancy District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Small Range Maintenance Grants
- Denver, CO
Colorado Tree Farm Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Walk-in Access Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program
Amanda Nims - Denver, CO
Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Division of Water Resources Division 5
Lindsey Latham - Program Assistant - Glenwood Springs, CO
Forest Ag Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Game Damage Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Granby Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Granby, CO
Grand Junction Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Grand Junction, CO
Habitat Partnership Program
- Grand Junction, CO
Lesser Prairie Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Boise, ID
North Park Conservancy District
- Walden, CO
Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
- Denver, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Ranching for Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Recovery & Conservation Plans
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN)
- Fort Collins, CO
Steamboat Springs Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Steamboat Springs, CO
The Grassland Species Plan
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District
Kevin McBride - District Manager - Steamboat Springs, CO
Wetland Wildlife Conservation Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Sustainable Ag / Community Supported Agriculture
Beartooth Capital Partners
Robert Keith - Managing Principal and Co-Founder - Bozeman, MT
Community Agriculture Alliance
- Steamboat Springs , CO
Lay Valley Bison Ranch
- Craig, CO
No-till on the Plains
- Protection, KS
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Rising Sun Ranch Creations
- Steamboat Springs, CO
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT
Wild Dream Hemp Company
- Tignall, GA
USDA - FSA Programs
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Biomass Crop Assistance Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Colorado Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loan Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Denver, CO
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Conservation Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Forest Restoration Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Ownership Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Grassland Conservation Reserve Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Guaranteed Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Highly Fractionated Indian Land Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Indian Tribal Land Acquisition Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Forage Disaster Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Indemnity Program
USDA FSA - Washington, DC
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP)
USDA Agricultural Research Service - Missoula, MT
Source Water Protection Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Transition Incentives Program (TIP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
USDA - NRCS Programs
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Colorado Conservation Stewardship Program
Eugene Backhaus - State Resource Conservationist - Denver, CO
Colorado Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Debra M Molinaro - FA Program Manager - Denver, CO
Colorado Grassland Reserve Program
- Denver, CO
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP)
- Washington, DC
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
EQIP Organic Initiative
- Washington, DC
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.
- Tampa, FL
Healthy Forest Reserve Program
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
James E. 'Bud' Smith Plant Materials Center
- Knox City, TX
Longleaf Pine Initiative
NRCS - Washington, DC
Los Lunas Plant Materials Center
- Los Lunas, NM
Manhattan Plant Materials Center
- Manhattan, KS
NRCS National Water Quality Initiative
- Washington, DC
Ogallala Aquifer Initiative
Barry Frantz - Coordinator - Washington, DC
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
- Washington, DC
Small scale solutions for your farm
USDA - NRCS - Washington, DC
The Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative
USDA-NRCS - Marysville, KS
USDA-NRCS Colorado
Clint Evans - State Conservationist (STC) - Denver, CO
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP)
Lisa McCauley - Program Manager - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT
USDA Programs - Other
Bee Disease Diagnosis Service
Bee Research Laboratory - Beltsville, MD
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program
Denis Ebodaghe - National Program Leader - Division of Agricultural Systems - Kansas City, MO
Christopher Warren
USDA/Rural Development - Business Grant & Loan Analyst - Washington, DC
Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
Rural Development Loan Programs
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
State and Private Forestry
USDA Forest Service - Office of Communication - Washington, DC
The Advanced Biofuel Payment Program
Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA - Washington, DC
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
USDA Rural Development - Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants - Washington, DC
Value-Added Producer Grant Program
USDA Office of Rural Development - Washington, DC
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT

 Farm Resources

Show Articles on Farm Resources (37)
Grazing Management for the Future

For BLM field staff, building and maintaining long-term relationships is a key ingredient when collaborating with operators to renew their grazing authorizations. This video features the voices of BLM employees speaking to their experiences working with Outcome-Based Grazing Authorizations, which enable ranch managers to respond to changing conditions, as needed.


Grazing Management for the Future

For BLM field staff, building and maintaining long-term relationships is a key ingredient when collaborating with operators to renew their grazing authorizations.


2022 Census of AG Fact Sheet

The Census of Agriculture is a “complete count” of farms and ranches and the people who operate them for every state and county in the United States.


Understanding Rural Attitudes Toward the Environment and Conservation in America

Rural Americans matter—a lot—to the fate of U.S. environmental policy. Not only do farmers, ranchers, and forest owners manage huge portions of American lands and watersheds, but rural voters also have an outsized impact on national policy.


Cooperative Extension Service

The cooperative extension service is designed to help people use research based knowledge to improve their land.  Administered through thousands of county extension offices, extension brings land-grant expertise to the most local of levels in affiliation with the state's designated land-grant universities.& ...


Smart Ag

Our vision at Smart Ag is to become the autonomous farming platform of choice in a driverless future.

In our opinion, the smartest way to solve the huge worldwide challenge of feeding a fast growing population is to empower farmers to complete operations faster, more consistently and with less labor than ever before, we believe they can unlock the potential of the land better than anyone else. With the correct tools, technology and knowledge, farmers can do the seemingly impossible.

Our goal is to give farmers the technology to operate smarter and eliminate the choice between what is best for their farm and constraints like available labor, brands of equipment or the cost of larger machinery. That is why our first product AutoCart can be used with an operator in the grain cart tractor or autonomously and will be compatible with any brand of equipment.

Contact Us

2710 S. Loop Drive

Ames, IA 50010

(515) 599-0346 •


Agrilyst Inc.

Agrilyst is a web-based software platform that helps indoor farms manage their crops and gain data-driven insights to make more profitable production decisions.

Run your farm optimally at all times. With Agrilyst, you can create quick and easy seeding plans from templates for each of your crops. Built for indoor operations, templates make it simple to schedule cut-and-come again varieties, partial harvests, vine harvests, and more. Seeding plans sync automatically with tasks so everyone in your facility knows what to do every day.

Contact Information


68 Jay St., Suite 201

Brooklyn, NY 11201


(646) 878-6840



How to receive conservation assistance from NRCS

Do you farm or ranch and want to make improvements to the land that you own or lease? NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners.


Mix My Sprayer for iOS and Android

Clemson University developed Mix My Sprayer to aid with quick, accurate calculations of product mixes to be applied with spraying equipment. Users can create custom lists of favorite products by category. Simply add or select a product, insert values in each input box, and the app automatically calculates the amount of product to include in the user-defined mix size. Units for each input can be customized by tapping the unit buttons. Products are saved with the user settings last used.

This free mobile smartphone app is designed for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android devices. Click here to download.


Forage Information System

The Forage Information System, provided by Oregon State University is a resource for forage-related topics, including Extension, research, and teaching.


Geospatial Data Gateway

The Geospatial Data Gateway (GDG) provides access to a map library of over 100 high resolution vector and raster layers in the Geospatial Data Warehouse. It is the One Stop Source for environmental and natural resources data, at any time, from anywhere, to anyone. It allows you to choose your area of interest, browse and select data, customize the format, then review and download. 

This service is made available through a close partnership between the three Service Center Agencies (SCA); Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Rural Development (RD).


Greenbook Plant Protection Product Search has an extensive database of chemical product information that you can use to help control unwanted plants. You can search by plant name and the database will list what chemicals you could use. If you need to know more about a specific chemical, you can type it in and search for product info. You need to register with the site to get the detailed information.  Some chemicals require a pesticide license.



Take farming further with goCrop™

goCrop uses integrated web and mobile applications to help farmers plan, analyze and report nutrient management practices with streamlined speed. Designed by farmers who understand the virtue of efficiency, goCrop keeps you focused on farming.

The app is available for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Learn more


Fieldprint Calculator

The Fieldprint Calculator is a free online tool for growers to voluntarily and securely analyze how their management choices impact natural resources and operational efficiency. Field To Market has developed the Calculator as an easy way to find out how your current land use, energy use, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and soil loss compare with state and national averages.





Farmland Information Center (FIC)


Farm and Dairy Agri-Book

Farm and Dairy Agri-Book contains a catalog of Agribusinesses as well as Regional, State, Local Listings of Agri-Bureaus, Agencies, Associations and Organizations (Government and Private Sectors). Click here.


Annie's Project

Annie's Project offers a variety of extension classes across the country that educate farm women on risk management. The classes empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information. Click here to see courses offered in your state.


Fifth annual cover crop survey results

The 2016-2017 cover crop survey report from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SARE) program, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) and American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is now available.& ...


Cover Crop Economics Tool

The Cover Crop Economics Tool is a user-friendly economic assessment tool to assess the costs and benefits of incorporating cover crops into a crop rotation. The tool assesses both the short term and long term expected costs and benefits. For questions, please contact Bryon Kirwan,

Download: Cover Crop Economics Tool


Pioneer® Field360™

DuPont Pioneer is bringing the next generation of powerful Web-based field management tools to growers with the introduction of Pioneer® Field360™ Select software. This new subscription service combines field-by-field data with real-time agronomic and weather information to help growers make informed management decisions.  Check out Field360 Select.

"Pioneer®Field360 Select software guides growers to better use the field data they have collected, currently and in prior years, to increase farm productivity and profitability," says Justin Heath, DuPont Pioneer new services manager.


The Pioneer® Field360™ website is no longer available. EncircaSM Services is the current DuPont Pioneer program that combines the latest technology for weather, soils, agronomy and analytics to help agricultural producers maximize crop yields and reduce risk. Contact your DuPont Pioneer Sales Professional for more information.



AgBizEnvironment gives you the ability to account for environmental impacts when analyzing business decisions.

AgBizEnvironment utilizes various components to measure and track environmental aspects of crop and livestock production. Aspects include pesticide, herbicide, fertilizer, and energy use, as well as tillage and land management practices. Combined with other AgBiz Logic tools, users can compare environmental, economic and financial tradeoffs.

An example of a component utilized by AgBizEnvironment is the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) developed by Cornell University. The EIQ measures the effect of various pesticides and herbicides on consumers, workers, and ecosystems.

Learn more about EIQ and other AgBizEnvironment components when you sign up for AgBiz Logic.



AgLease™ is a computer program designed to assist growers and landowners establish equitable crop share and cash rent lease agreements. With AgLease™ you can easily comprehend and evaluate the potential risks associated with annual and long-term leases, reevaluate current leases, or changing cropping systems. AgLease™ estimatesmachinery, labor, and production input costs as well as fruit size, grade, and total yield for calculating returns for crops with multiple establishment and production years. The program allows you to inflate specific return and input cost items over time to analyze the net present value, internal rate of return, and financial feasibility for a crop share and cash rent lease.

AgLease™ is free to use and requires users to register with the AgTools website and obtain a license.


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

View the AgLease™ Presentation



AgFinance™ is a computer program designed to assist agricultural producers make long-run decisions on a whole farm and ranch basis. You can load scenario files from AgProfit™ and AgLease™ into AgFinance™ to analyze your farm’s financial ratios and performance measures, which include working liquidity, solvency, profitability, debt repayment capacity, and efficiency. You can change the number of units in each scenario and observe the financial effects of implementing technologies, adding value to your products, conservation practices, changing cropping systems or livestock enterprises, or leasing additional land.  Visit AgFinance™


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.



AgProfit™ is a computer program designed to assist agricultural producers make long-run decisions when implementing technologies to a specific crop or analyzing cropping systems. AgProfit™ estimates machinery, labor, and production input costs as well as fruit size, grade, and total yield for calculating returns for crops with multiple establishment and production years. The program allows you to inflate specific return and input cost items over time to analyze the net present value, internal rate of return, and financial feasibility when implementing a particular technology, making minor changes to returns or input costs, or comparing cropping systems.

AgProfit™ is free to use and requires users to register with the AgTools website and obtain a license.

View the AgProfit™ presentation


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.


Ranching as a Conservation Strategy - Can Old Ranchers Save the New West?

Working ranches are often promoted as means of private rangeland conservation because they can safeguard ecosystem services, protect open space, and maintain traditional ranching culture.



AgroClimate is an innovative web-resource for decision-support and learning, providing interactive tools and climate information to improve crop management decisions and reduce production risks associated with climate variability, climate change, and extreme weather events. Users can monitor variables of interest such as growing degree days, chill hours, freeze risk, disease risks for selected crops, and current and projected drought conditions. Users can also learn about the impacts of climate cycles affecting the Southeastern United States, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

AgroClimate uses crop simulation models along with historic, current, and forecasted climate data to allow decision makers to compare changes in probable outcomes under different climate conditions.

Water and carbon footprint calculators on AgroClimate can provide system-specific estimates of how efficiently water and energy are being used. AgroClimate also includes educational resources, including videos and fact sheets, about management practices and technologies that can help improve efficiency of production and decrease the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate variability and change.

AgroClimate is regularly used during training events for County Extension faculty and during workshops with agricultural producers. Its modular platform allows for an easy replication in other geographies and for content expansion.


What are Food Hubs

A Food Hub is a business or organization that actively manages the aggregation, distribution, and marketing of course-identified food products primarily from local and regional producers to strengthen their ability to satisfy wholesale, retail, and institutional demand.


National Organic Farming Handbook

The handbook describes organic systems and identifies key resources to guide conservation planning and implementation on organic farms. Producers and other audiences may also find the handbook useful, particularly the resources listed in various sections.


2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation

The 2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation was prepared as an introduction for fish and wildlife conservation providers – the on-the-ground biologists and conservation partners who help deliver Farm Bill conservation programs to landowners.


Farmer's Tax Guide

This publication explains how the federal tax laws apply to farming. Use this publication as a guide to figure your taxes and complete your farm tax return.& ...


Let’s Get Serious About Conservation

This Farm and Dairy article explains how conservation is a journey for our country.


Conservation Buffers on your Land

Considering conservation buffers on your land?  The USDA has 250,000 or more buffer contracts with about 160,000 farms and ranches. They may be a good choice for your land and for the environment.


Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities - A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems, and Community Development

This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture.



AgPlan™ helps rural business owners develop a business plan. To use AgPlan you first need to register and setup a password to access your business plan.  Once you have registered, you can login to AgPlan using your email address and your password.
Everyone can use AgPlan—for FREE.

  • Develop your own business plan
  • Learn what you need to include in your plan with Tips & Resources
  • View Sample business plans for ideas
  • Share your plan—print, download and work with your own Reviewers

AgPlan™ is brought to you by the Center for Farm Financial Management. Regents of the University of Minnesota


Forest Loss on the Rebound - Sustaining Investments for America's Natural Resource Future


Plant Image Gallery

The Noble Foundation Plant Image Gallery is designed to assist botanists, ecologists, natural resource managers, educators and hobbyist with the identification of plants commonly found in the southern Great Plains. The Plant Image Gallery includes numerous images of each plant species for your ease in their identification.


Cool Farm Tool

The Cool Farm Tool (CFT) is an online greenhouse gas calculator that is free for growers to help them measure the carbon footprint of crop and livestock products. The CFT is an online, farm-level greenhouse gas emissions calculator based on empirical research from a broad range of published data sets. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to complete based on information that a farmer will have readily available. Click here to go to the Cool Farm Tool


Show Farm Resources Organizations & Professionals (314)
There are 314 resources serving NW Colorado Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Farm Resources Organizations & Professionals serving NW Colorado Region
Agronomists and Crop Advisers
American Grazing Lands Services LLC
Jim & Dawn Gerrish - May, ID
Andrea Taillacq
- Wellington, CO
Arthur Etter
- Paonia, CO
Brink Incorporated
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Chad TeVelde, P.E.
AGPROfessionals - Sr. Professional Engineer - Greeley, CO
Crop Quest, Inc.
- Dodge City, KS
Daniel Spare
Spare Engineering - Hesston, KS
Erin Kress
THEngineering - Calhan, CO
Jeremy Gilliam
- Grand Junction, CO
Kelly Triece
- Denver, CO
Luke D. Gingerich
- Palisade, CO
Poole Chemical Co.
- Texline, TX
Robert Gallegos
- Austin, CO
Scot Knutson
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Tim Naylor
Agprofessionals - Director of Operation - Greeley, CO
Travis Hertneky
- Calhan, CO
Tyler Desiderio
- Hotchkiss, CO
Wild Dream Hemp Company
- Tignall, GA
Conservation Districts
Colorado Association of Conservation Districts
- Lamar, CO
Colorado First Conservation District
- Craig, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Douglas Creek Conservation District
- Meeker, CO
Middle Park Conservation District
North Park Conservancy District
- Walden, CO
North Park Conservation District
- Walden, CO
Routt County Conservation District
- Steamboat Springs, CO
White River Conservation District
- Meeker, CO
CSU Extension
Colorado State Forest Service Nursery
- Fort Collins, CO
Grand County Extension
- Kremmling, CO
Jackson County Extension
- Walden, CO
Moffat County Extension
- Craig, CO
Rio Blanco County Extension
- Meeker, CO
Routt County Extension
- Steamboat Springs, CO
Farm Equipment Sales and Service
Agri Drain
- Adair, IA
American Grazing Lands Services LLC
Jim & Dawn Gerrish - May, ID
Anson Excavating & Pipe, Inc.
- Craig, CO
Central Pump Company, Inc.
- Center, CO
- Minneapolis, MN
Forest Safety Products
- Van Hornesville, NY
Freight Farms
- Boston, MA
Livestock Water Recycling
- Calgary, AB
On Target Spray Systems
Progressive Grower Technologies, Inc. - Mt. Angel, OR
Quality Irrigation - Yuma
- Yuma, CO
Solutions in the Land, LLC
- Kenosha, WI
- Los Angeles, CA
Weather Shack
John Fillmore - Roanoke, VA
Farm Ranch And Forest Retailers
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Brian Stockman - Executive Vice President and CEO - Glendale, CO
Beartooth Capital Partners
Robert Keith - Managing Principal and Co-Founder - Bozeman, MT
Clark & Associates Land Brokers, LLC
Cory Clark - Lusk, WY
Clift Land Brokers
- Amarillo, TX
Colorado Land Link
Guidestone Colorado - Salida, CO
Dan Murphy
M4 Ranch Group - Lake City, CO
Josh Thorsbrough - Owner - Alvin, IL
Nick Dorrell - Industry, TX
Fay Ranches
Greg Fay - Bozeman, MT
Fay Ranches
- Bozeman, MT
Forest Safety Products
- Van Hornesville, NY
Gary Jellum
Broker - Whitney Land Company - Pendleton, OR
Go Native Tree Farm
John Rosenfeld - Owner - Lancaster, PA
Hall and Hall
- Billings, MT
Hayden Outdoors
- Windsor, CO
Ken Mirr
Mirr Ranch Group - Owner/Broker - Denver, CO
L. Sam Middleton, ARA
Chas S. Middleton and Son - Appraiser, Manager - Lubbock, TX
Live Water Properties
- Jackson, WY
Mark Lewis
Mississippi Land Company - Mayhew, MS
Mason & Morse Ranch Company, LLC
- Colorado Springs, CO
Mirr Ranch Group
Mallory Boyce - Marketing Director - Denver, CO
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
San Pedro Ranch
Chase Currie - Carrizo Springs, TX
Federal and State Tax Incentives and Programs
Current Use Tax Program
- Montpelier, VT
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center - Raleigh, NC
Managed Forest Law
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Madison, WI
Native Prairie and Wildlife Habitat - Property Tax Benefits
- Des Moines, IA
Native Prairie Tax Exemption Program
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - St Paul, MN
Open Space Conservation - Property Tax Benefits
- Crownsville, MD
Reforestation Tax Credit Program
- Oregon Department of Forestry - Salem, OR
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Waterfowl Restoration Program
- Cambridge, MD
Federal Incentives
Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf - Cooperative Watershed Management Program
Bureau of Reclamation - Austin, TX
Colorado Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loan Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Denver, CO
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
Livestock Indemnity Program
USDA FSA - Washington, DC
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program
U.S. Department of Defense - Washington, DC
Upper Colorado Basin - Cooperative Watershed Management Program
Bureau of Reclamation - Salt Lake City, UT
FSA Local Offices
Moffat County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Craig Service Center - Craig, CO
Rio Blanco County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Meeker Service Center - Meeker, CO
Routt County Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency - Steamboat Spgs Service Center - Steamboat Spgs, CO
Irrigation Suppliers and Contractors
Agri Drain
- Adair, IA
Anson Excavating & Pipe, Inc.
- Craig, CO
Central Pump Company, Inc.
- Center, CO
Daniel Spare
Spare Engineering - Hesston, KS
- Willits, CA
Maximized Water Management LLC
William (Bill) Fuchs - Owner - Chester, ID
Netafim Drip-Micro Irrigation Products
Netafim USA - Fresno, CA
Quality Irrigation - Yuma
- Yuma, CO
Reinke Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Chris Roth - President - Deshler, NE
Mapping/Cartographic and GIS services
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Certified Forester (Forestry Consultants) - Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Northwest Management, Inc.
Vincent P. Corrao - President - Moscow, ID
Unique Places Southwest
Michael Scisco - Regional Director & Director of GIS and Cartography - Albuquerque, NM
Colorado Agricultural Mediation Program
Mark Gallegos - Program Administrator - Broomfield, CO
Design Workshop
Anna Laybourn - Principal - Aspen, CO
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Wade Ash Woods Hill & Farley, P.C.
- Denver, CO
NRCS Local Offices
Craig Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Craig Service Center - Craig, CO
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
Meeker Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Meeker Service Center - Meeker, CO
Steamboat Springs Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Steamboat Spgs Service Center - Steamboat Spgs, CO
Walden Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Walden Service Center - Walden, CO
Riparian and Wetlands Specialists
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc.
- Englewood, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Janet Wolfe - Director of Marketing and Communications - Albuquerque, NM
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
Jonathan E. Jones, P.E., D.WRE
CEO and President - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kenneth R. Wright, P.E., D.WRE
Chief Financial Officer and Principal Engineer - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Marstel-Day, LLC
- Fredericksburg, VA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
River Partners
- Chico, CA
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
SME Environmental, Inc.
- Durango, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Stacy W. Jackson
Jackson Real Estate Professionals, LLC - Owner - Winnsboro, TX
Wayne F. Lorenz, P.E.
Chief Engineer - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Wright Water Engineers
Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CPESC - Denver, CO
Seed / Seedling Suppliers
Almost Eden
John, Bonnie, & Jeff McMillian - Merryville, LA
American Grazing Lands Services LLC
Jim & Dawn Gerrish - May, ID
Applewood Seed Company
- Arvada, CO
Arkansas Valley Seed Inc
Paul Hahn - Denver, CO
Arrow Seed Company Inc
Jim Girardin - Broken Bow, NE
BBB Seed
- Boulder, CO
Buy Rare Seeds
- San Francisco, CA
Clearwater Seeds
- Spokane, WA
Colorado Tree Farm Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Conservation Blueprint
Peter Berthelsen - President - St. Paul, NE
Elberta Forest Tree Nursery
Rayonier Inc. - Elberta, AL
Evergreen Landscape Nursery
Ron Rusk - Evensville, TN
Evergreen Nursery
Tammy - Kittredge, CO
Fast Growing Trees
- Fort Mill, SC
Fossil Creek Nursery
Brenda - Fort Collins, CO
Heritage Flower Farm
- Mukwonago, WI
Holland Wildflower Farm
Bob and Julie Holland - Elkins, AR
Itasca Ladyslipper Farm
Carol Steele - Grand Rapids, MN
James E. 'Bud' Smith Plant Materials Center
- Knox City, TX
Johnny's Selected Seeds
- Winslow, ME
Joyful Butterfly
- Blackstock, SC
Live Monarch Foundation
- Blairsville, GA
Los Lunas Plant Materials Center
- Los Lunas, NM
Manhattan Plant Materials Center
- Manhattan, KS
McKay Nursery Company
- Waterloo, WI
Mesa Garden
Steven Brack - Belen, NM
Native Bee-Ginnings
Glenn Kenny - Owner - Meadville, PA
Natural Communities Native Plants
- Batavia, IL
Pagosa Nursery Company
Nancy Hanes - Pagosa Springs, CO
Phelan Gardens
Mark Phelan - Colorado Springs, CO
Rocky Mountain Rare Plants
Bob Skowron - Franktown, CO
Sharp Bros. Seed Co.
- Healy, KS
Southern Rockies Seed Network
- Fort Collins, CO
Southwest Seed Inc
Roberta Henes - Dolores, CO
Spring Hill Nurseries
- Harrison, OH
Bill Adams - Pueblo, CO
Tagawa Garden Center & Florist
Nancy - Centennial, CO
The Right Seed
- Hooper, NE
Upper Colorado Environmental Plant Materials Center
Steve Parr - USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service - Meeker, CO
Western Native Seed
- Coaldale, CO
Wildflower Farm
- Coldwater, ON
Soil / Water Testing Labs
Brink, Inc.
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
DBSA Soil Testing & Research Laboratory
Joleen Hines - Laboratory Manager - Albuquerque, NM
- Arlington, VA
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
- Milpitas, CA
Perry Agricultural Laboratory
- Bowling Green, MO
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
TPS Lab - Your Crop's Dieticians
- Edinburg, TX
State Funding / Technical Resources
Colorado Building Farmers
Project Director - Dawn Thilmany - Longmont, CO
Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Broomfield, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 6
Brian Romig - Lead Water Administrator - Steamboat Springs, CO
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program
Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Forest Legacy Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
David Anderson - Director and Chief Scientist - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Denver, CO
Colorado River Water Conservancy District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Small Range Maintenance Grants
- Denver, CO
Colorado Tree Farm Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Walk-in Access Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program
Amanda Nims - Denver, CO
Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Division of Water Resources Division 5
Lindsey Latham - Program Assistant - Glenwood Springs, CO
Forest Ag Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Game Damage Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Granby Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Granby, CO
Grand Junction Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Grand Junction, CO
Habitat Partnership Program
- Grand Junction, CO
Lesser Prairie Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Boise, ID
North Park Conservancy District
- Walden, CO
Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
- Denver, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Ranching for Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Recovery & Conservation Plans
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN)
- Fort Collins, CO
Steamboat Springs Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Steamboat Springs, CO
The Grassland Species Plan
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District
Kevin McBride - District Manager - Steamboat Springs, CO
Wetland Wildlife Conservation Program
- Fort Collins, CO
USDA - FSA Programs
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Biomass Crop Assistance Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Colorado Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loan Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Denver, CO
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Conservation Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Forest Restoration Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Ownership Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Grassland Conservation Reserve Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Guaranteed Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Highly Fractionated Indian Land Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Indian Tribal Land Acquisition Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Forage Disaster Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Indemnity Program
USDA FSA - Washington, DC
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP)
USDA Agricultural Research Service - Missoula, MT
Source Water Protection Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Transition Incentives Program (TIP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
USDA - NRCS Programs
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Colorado Conservation Stewardship Program
Eugene Backhaus - State Resource Conservationist - Denver, CO
Colorado Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Debra M Molinaro - FA Program Manager - Denver, CO
Colorado Grassland Reserve Program
- Denver, CO
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP)
- Washington, DC
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
EQIP Organic Initiative
- Washington, DC
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.
- Tampa, FL
Healthy Forest Reserve Program
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
James E. 'Bud' Smith Plant Materials Center
- Knox City, TX
Longleaf Pine Initiative
NRCS - Washington, DC
Los Lunas Plant Materials Center
- Los Lunas, NM
Manhattan Plant Materials Center
- Manhattan, KS
NRCS National Water Quality Initiative
- Washington, DC
Ogallala Aquifer Initiative
Barry Frantz - Coordinator - Washington, DC
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
- Washington, DC
Small scale solutions for your farm
USDA - NRCS - Washington, DC
The Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative
USDA-NRCS - Marysville, KS
USDA-NRCS Colorado
Clint Evans - State Conservationist (STC) - Denver, CO
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP)
Lisa McCauley - Program Manager - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT
USDA Programs - Other
Bee Disease Diagnosis Service
Bee Research Laboratory - Beltsville, MD
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program
Denis Ebodaghe - National Program Leader - Division of Agricultural Systems - Kansas City, MO
Christopher Warren
USDA/Rural Development - Business Grant & Loan Analyst - Washington, DC
Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
Rural Development Loan Programs
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
State and Private Forestry
USDA Forest Service - Office of Communication - Washington, DC
The Advanced Biofuel Payment Program
Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA - Washington, DC
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
USDA Rural Development - Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants - Washington, DC
Value-Added Producer Grant Program
USDA Office of Rural Development - Washington, DC
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT
Veterinarians - Large Animal
Lee O. Meyring
Steamboat Veterinary Hospital, PC - Steamboat Springs, CO
Water Districts and Associations
Colorado River Water Conservancy District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Rural Water Association
Tom Wall - Executive Director - Pueblo West, CO
Rio Blanco Water Conservancy District
- Rangely, CO
Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District
Kevin McBride - District Manager - Steamboat Springs, CO
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Basin Wildlife Consulting
Rick Danvir - Casper, WY
Cleave Dwire
- Sole Proprietor Contractor - Wells, NV
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
Gretchen Cross
Buell Environmental LLC - Natural Resource Specialist - Oak Creek, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
Lannie B. Philley, AFM
Delta Land & Farm Mgmt Co, LLC - Appraiser, Manager - Mer Rouge, LA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
SME Environmental, Inc.
- Durango, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Steve Boyle
BIO-Logic, Inc. - Principal & Senior Biologist - Montrose, CO
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS

 Organic Agriculture

Show Articles on Organic Agriculture (10)
Guide for Organic Livestock Producers

This guide is an overview of the process of becoming certified organic. It is designed to explain the USDA organic regulations as they apply to livestock producers.


Organic Farming - Results from the 2014 Organic Survey

In 2014, the United States had 14,093 organic farms producing $5.5 billion in organic products.


Organic Certification Guide

This publication provides an overview of organic certification and provides some additional resources for prospective organic farms and businesses.


National Organic Farming Handbook

The handbook describes organic systems and identifies key resources to guide conservation planning and implementation on organic farms. Producers and other audiences may also find the handbook useful, particularly the resources listed in various sections.


Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities - A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems, and Community Development

This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture.


Guide for Organic Crop Producers

This guide is intended to help lead farmers through the organic certification process. Chapters 1 through 4 explain the National Organic Program (NOP) and describe the process of organic certification.


How to Choose a Certification Agency and the Organic Certification Process

There are many USDA accredited certification agencies that can certify your farm or enterprise as organic. So how do you find the right agency to work with you? Here are some questions you should ask the agencies and some things to ask neighboring farmers.


What is Organic Certification?

Organic certification verifies that your farm or handling facility located anywhere in the world complies with the USDA organic regulations and allows you to sell, label, and represent your products as organic.


Managing Manure with Biogas Recovery Systems BMPs

Improved performance at competitive costs is promised by this 2002 EPA publication all about anaerobic digestion and biogas recovery for energy.


Does America Need More Organic Farmers?

Organic farming has been one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture for over a decade.  After the USDA implemented national organic standards in 2002, certified organic farmland doubled by 2005.


Show Organic Agriculture Organizations & Professionals (65)
There are 65 resources serving NW Colorado Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Organic Agriculture Organizations & Professionals serving NW Colorado Region
Organic Certification Programs
Agricultural Services Certified Organic
- Salinas, CA
Baystate Organic Certifiers
- North Dighton, MA
Colorado Organic Program
- Broomfield, CO
Ecocert USA - Plainfield
- Plainfield, IN
EQIP Organic Initiative
- Washington, DC
Global Organic Alliance, Inc
- Bellefontaine, OH
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
- Des Moines, IA
Midwest Organic Services Association, Inc.
- Viroqua, WI
Minnesota Crop Improvement Association
- St. Paul, MN
National Organic Program (NOP)
- Washington, DC
Natural Food Certifiers
- Nanuet, NY
Nature's International Certification Services
- Viroqua, WI
NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC
- Binghamton, NY
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
- Oklahoma City, OK
OneCert, Inc.
- Lincoln, NE
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
- Corvallis, OR
Organic Certification Cost Share Program
- Washington, DC
Organic Certifiers, Inc.
- Ventura, CA
Organic Crop Improvement Association
- Lincoln, NE
Pennsylvania Certified Organic
- Spring Mills, PA
Primus Auditing Operations
- Santa Maria, CA
Primus Auditing Operations (formerly Primus Labs)
- Santa Maria, CA
Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd.
- Saskatoon, SK
Quality Assurance International
- San Diego, CA
Quality Certification Services
- Gainesville, FL
Scientific Certification Systems, Inc.
- Emeryville, CA
Where Food Comes From Organic
- Castle Rock, CO
Organic Products and Services
Alderspring Ranch
Glenn Elzinga - May, ID
Alida’s Fruits
- Palisade, CO
Ambrosia Farm LLC
- Bennett, CO
Anders Farm
- Fort Lupton, CO
Anita’s Pantry & Produce
- Palisade, CO
Azura Cellars
- Paonia, CO
B Bar S Ranch
- Nederland, CO
Balistreri Vineyards
- Denver, CO
Barefoot Homestead
- Conifer, CO
Bear River Ranch
Michael Hogue - Steamboat Springs, CO
Beartooth Capital Partners
Robert Keith - Managing Principal and Co-Founder - Bozeman, MT
Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum
- Fort Collins, CO
Berg Harvest, LLC
- Paonia, CO
Bolton’s Orchards
- Grand Junction, CO
BookCliff Vineyards
- Boulder, CO
Boxwood Gulch Ranch
- Shawnee, CO
Chapmans Produce
- Windsor, CO
Christensen Ranch, LLC
- Weldona, CO
Colorado Cellars Winery - Rocky Mountain Vineyards
- Palisade, CO
Colorado Cider Company
- Denver, CO
Colorado Organic Program
- Broomfield, CO
Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool (CROPP)
- La Farge, WI
CROPP Cooperative
- Westby, WI
Eagle Springs Organic Produce and Eagle Springs Meats
- Silt, CO
Elk Head Ranch Co.
- Hayden, CO
Flying B Bar Ranch Grassfed Beef
- Strasburg, CO
Lukens Farms
- Carr, CO
Mad Agriculture
- Boulder, CO
- Spring Valley, WI
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Butte, MT
Organic Farming Research Foundation
- Santa Cruz, CA
Perennial Fund
- Boulder, CO
Perfect Blend Organics
Justin Leavens - Sales Manager - Buhl, ID
Ray Ranch
Greg Ray - Walden, CO
- New York, NY
Regenterra Solutions
- Quincy, MA
Rolling River Nursery
Planting Justice - Oakland, CA
Where Food Comes From Organic
- Castle Rock, CO