Farmer’s Markets

According to Local Harvest, “farmers' markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers. From the traditional ‘mercados’ in the Peruvian Andes to the unique street markets in Asia, growers all over the world gather weekly to sell their produce directly to the public. In the last decade they have become a favorite marketing method for many farmers throughout the United States, and a weekly ritual for many shoppers.”

A farmers' market is a group of farmers that sells their products once a week or more at designated public locations, such as parks, parking lots, or sites built specifically to house them.  Many farmers' markets evolve into community events, with live entertainment, coffee, freshly prepared breakfast foods, children’s activities and crafts.  A Farmer’s Market is a great way to get to “know your farmer.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has an online listing for farmer’s markets throughout the country, searchable by zipcode. 

The Networking Association for Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism is a membership organization for farmers interested in all forms of direct marketing.

Local Harvest has a national search engine to help you find local farmers markets.