The Access Fund is the national advocacy organization that keeps climbing areas open and conserves the climbing environment. Founded in 1991, the Access Fund supports and represents millions of climbers nationwide in all forms of climbing: rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, and bouldering. Six core programs support the mission on national and local levels: climbing policy and advocacy, stewardship and conservation, local support and mobilization, land acquisition and protection, risk management and landowner support, and education. The Access Fund has supported 58 land acquisitions by land trusts, public entities, and local climbing organizations, totaling 16,251 acres across twenty-seven states. The Access Fund is an accredited land trust.

Contact Access Fund
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ColoradoLandCAN.
Access Fund is not employed by or affiliated with the Colorado Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Access Fund
P.O. Box 17010
Boulder, CO 80308
Phone: (303) 545-6772
Fax: (303) 545-6774
Service Area
National service provider