Working Lands for Wildlife in Eastern Plains Region

  Working Lands for Wildlife

Show Articles on Working Lands for Wildlife (9)
The more we come to understand the role of pollinators, the more it becomes clear that our current mode of existence is incompatible with a healthy pollinator population. Ongoing environmental challenges to pollinator populations include the impacts of habitat loss on insect biodiversity and the omnipresent effects of climate change, which are partially responsible for colony collapse disorder in bee colonies. Acknowledging these developments has led some law and policy makers to focus on legislative strategies that promote population health. Despite this recognition, however, the pollinator crisis has often failed to receive sufficient media (or policy) attention.
To examine how policy can influence pollinator health, this paper first provides background information on pollinators and the environmental challenges they face before summarizing existing efforts to protect pollinators through federal, state, and local policies. It explores strategies to improve land-use tools and interventions that can promote pollinator populations, as well as options for additional policy innovations to support pollinator health.



The more we come to understand the role of pollinators, the more it becomes clear that our current mode of existence is incompatible with a healthy pollinator population.


Frameworks for Conservation Action Sagebrush and Great Plains

Learn about the USDA-NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife's approach to conservation in the sagebrush-steppe and Great Plains Grasslands in this public presentation.


Working Lands for Wildlife Implementation Process

Learn how the WLFW programs are implemented with this handy flow chart.


Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs

Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and private landowners.


Working Lands for Wildlife magazine: A Partnership for Conserving Landscapes, Communities and Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW), the NRCS has created a win-win model of private lands conservation that benefits wildlife and people that now includes conservation efforts focused on 19 diverse landscapes in 48 states.


Working Lands for Wildlife - Sage Grouse

The Working Lands for Wildlife - Sage Grouse program conserves sage-grouse and other wildlife through sustainable ranching.


Working Lands for Wildlife Greater Sage-Grouse

FAQs Including CCAA and SGI Comparison


Working Lands For Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife —a voluntary, incentive-based effort—the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its conservation partners will provide landowners with technical and financial assistance to: Restore populations of declining wildlife species.


Show Working Lands for Wildlife Organizations & Professionals (23)
There are 23 resources serving Eastern Plains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Working Lands for Wildlife Organizations & Professionals serving Eastern Plains Region
NRCS Local Offices
Akron Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Akron Service Center - Akron, CO
Burlington Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Burlington Service Center - Burlington, CO
Cheyenne Wells Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Cheyenne Wells Service Center - Cheyenne Wells, CO
Eads Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Eads Service Center - Eads, CO
Fort Morgan Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Fort Morgan Service Center - Fort Morgan, CO
Greeley Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Greeley Service Center - Greeley, CO
Holyoke Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Holyoke Service Center - Holyoke, CO
Hugo Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Hugo Service Center - Hugo, CO
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
Julesburg Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Julesburg Service Center - Julesburg, CO
Lamar Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Lamar Field Service Center - Lamar, CO
Las Animas Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Las Animas Service Center - Las Animas, CO
Pueblo Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Pueblo Service Center - Pueblo, CO
Rocky Ford Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Rocky Ford Service Center - Rocky Ford, CO
Silver Cliff Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Silver Cliff Service Center - Silver Cliff, CO
Springfield Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Springfield Service Center - Springfield, CO
Sterling Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Sterling Service Center - Sterling, CO
Trinidad Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Trinidad Service Center - Trinidad, CO
Walsenburg Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Walsenburg, CO
Wray Service Center
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Wray Service Center - Wray, CO
Working Lands for Wildlife Programs
Greg M. Peters
Working Lands for Wildlife Communications Coordinator - Pheasants Forever - Missoula, MT
Julia Debes
Pheasants Forever - Working Lands for Wildlife Director of Agricultural Communications - Hoisington, KS
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT

 Sage Grouse Habitat Management

Show Articles on Sage Grouse Habitat Management (63)
Sagebrush Conservation Design

In 2022, a group of experts from across the sagebrush biome came together to publish the Sagebrush Conservation Design. The SCD used new remote sensing technologies, like the Rangelands Analysis Platform, to map the entire sagebrush biome and categorize it into Core Sagebrush Areas, Growth Opportunity Areas, and Other Rangeland Areas.


Grazing Management for the Future

For BLM field staff, building and maintaining long-term relationships is a key ingredient when collaborating with operators to renew their grazing authorizations. This video features the voices of BLM employees speaking to their experiences working with Outcome-Based Grazing Authorizations, which enable ranch managers to respond to changing conditions, as needed.


Grazing Management for the Future

For BLM field staff, building and maintaining long-term relationships is a key ingredient when collaborating with operators to renew their grazing authorizations.


A Toolkit for Invasive Annual Grass Management in the West

The spread of invasive annual grasses – such as cheatgrass, medusahead and ventenata – is causing major damage to western working lands.


Frameworks for Conservation Action Sagebrush and Great Plains

Learn about the USDA-NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife's approach to conservation in the sagebrush-steppe and Great Plains Grasslands in this public presentation.


Working Lands for Wildlife Implementation Process

Learn how the WLFW programs are implemented with this handy flow chart.


Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs

Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and private landowners.


Working Lands for Wildlife Greater Sage-Grouse

FAQs Including CCAA and SGI Comparison


Playing with Fire: Recreating Safely with Invasives in Sagebrush Country

If you’re recreating on public lands in the American West, you’ve probably already felt the impacts of the invasive annual grasses and wildfires that ruin habitat for wildlife and our outdoor activities.


Up In Smoke: Fire and Invasives on Western Rangelands

Sagebrush rangelands once covered nearly 250 million acres in western North America. Today, this landscape has been reduced to half its original size and is rapidly shrinking.


Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands

For many years the Service has worked with partners to help them develop Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCAs). CCAs primarily have been developed by Federal agencies to cover Federal lands, and several have resulted in conservation efforts that made listing unnecessary.


Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves and Elk A Western Landowners’ Guide

This guide has been produced by and for landowners and practitioners constructively engaged in one of the greatest conservation challenges of our time—how to share and manage a wild, working landscape that sustains both people and wildlife.


Cooperative Conservation - Determinants of Landowner Engagement in Conserving Endangered Species

This paper analyzes surveys of private landowners to identify factors that determine landowner engagement in the conservation of endangered species.


Western Governors’ Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative

The Western Governors’ Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative was launched by WGA Chairman and Wyoming Gov.


Greater Sage Grouse - Colorado Synthesis Report

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is poised to propose a listing decision for the Greater Sage Grouse under the Endangered Species Act by 2015.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Appendices
By: and and

Appendices for the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Conservation Strategy
By: and and

Conservation strategy for the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Analysis
By: and and

Analysis for the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Issues
By: and and

Issues section of the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Conservation Assessment
By: and and

Conservation assessment for the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Executive Summary
By: and and

Executive summary for the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Table of Contents
By: and and

Table of Contents for the Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan (CCP). The purpose of the CCP is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan - Introduction
By: and and

The purpose of the Colorado Greater Sage-grouse Conservation Plan (CCP) is to facilitate the conservation of greater sage-grouse (GrSG) and their habitats in Colorado.


Greater Sage-Grouse Range-Wide Mitigation Framework

The purpose of this document is to help states, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and other partners develop and implement coordinated and robust mitigation processes across the range to reduce threats and the potential need to list the species under the Endangered Species Act.


Gunnison Sage Grouse Rangewide Conservation Plan

This Rangewide Conservation Plan is intended to supplement local plans, and to offer a rangewide perspective, so as to ensure that the cumulative result of conserving local populations is conservation of the species.


Safe Harbor - Helping Landowners Help Endangered Species

This handbook describes safe harbor agreements and the way in which they work. It aims to help you decide if a safe harbor agreement makes sense for your land.& ...


Adverse Impact Reduction Handbook

Reducing Onshore Natural Gas and Oil Exploration and Production Impacts Using a Broad-Based Stakeholder Approach


Weed Management for Small Rural Acreages

A CSU Extension Fact Sheet with information on prevention, eradication, and control of common weeds found in Colorado.


Sage Grouse Initiative Web Map Application

The SGI Interactive Web Map Application is free and available to the public, presenting cutting-edge geospatial data covering 100 million acres. The Sage Grouse Initiative science team has developed an easy-to-use web application that helps visualize, distribute, and interact with information about the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem.

All of the information can be easily visualized on top of physical maps or the latest satellite imagery. Users can quickly identify and compare areas of concern, evaluating potential restoration or prevention opportunities. Data can be imported from the web application directly into GIS software, which allows the public to customize the information for land management or conservation purposes. Data for individual counties can be downloaded using these simple instructions.


Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment

This Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment (ARMPA) is the result of the March 2010 US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 12-Month Finding for Petitions to List the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) as Threatened or Endangered (75 Federal  Register 13910, March 23, 2010;USFWS 2010).


Pocket Guide to Sagebrush Birds

This Guide was created by staffs at Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory and at PRBO Conservation Science, describes 40 of the most common bird species in sagebrush habitats.& ...


Pocket Guide to Sagebrush

This Guide provides identifying characteristics and range maps for 18 species of sagebrush, encompassing 27 different kinds (including subspecies and hybrids).


Greater Sage-grouse Comprehensive Conservation Strategy

This Strategy outlines the critical need to develop the associations among local, state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and individual citizens to design and implement cooperative actions to support robust populations of sage-grouse and the landscapes and habitats upon which they depend.


Summary of Science, Activities, Programs, and Policies That Influence the Rangewide Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus)


Sage Grouse Initiative - Success on the Range

The Sage Grouse Initiative launched in 2010 and five years later is a primary catalyst for sage-steppe conservation, conserving 4.4 million acres across 11 western states.


Science to Solutions - Private Lands Vital to Conserving Wet Areas for Sage Grouse Summer Habitat

A recent groundbreaking study reveals a strong link between sites, which are essential summer habitat for sage grouse to raise their broods, and the distribution of sage grouse breeding areas or leks.


BLM Fire and Aviation - Sage Grouse Efforts

Fire is an important part of the ecology of sagebrush habitats. It’s not possible to eliminate all fire from sagebrush, nor is it advisable.


Trial by Fire - Improving Our Ability to Reduce Wildfire Impacts to Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush Ecosystems Through Accelerated Partner Collaboration

Wildfire and subsequent invasion by exotic annual grasses in the Great Basin challenge land managers and impede the success of conservation practices designed to improve habitat quality for sage-grouse.


Birds in a sagebrush sea - managing sagebrush habitats for bird communities

The purpose of this document is to help anyone who is a steward of sagebrush shrublands include management practices that help support a thriving community of wild birds.


Science to Solutions - Conifer Removal Restores Sage Grouse Habitat

The invasion of juniper and other conifers into sagebrush rangelands degrades habitat for sage grouse. The most effective approach is to target early encroachment stands, completely removing small trees, and thereby sustaining the existing sagebrush community.


Livestock Water Tanks and Sage-grouse - A Landowners Guide

Watering tanks installed for livestock are often used by wildlife as well, with unintended consequences. Sage-grouse are known to drown in livestock water tanks that do not have escape ramps.


Science to Solutions - Marking High-Risk Fences Saves Sage Grouse

Marking fences for visibility can dramatically reduce sage grouse collisions. A new mapping tool can help managers and landowners target those fences that pose the highest risk for grouse strikes: fences close to leks and in flat or rolling terrain.


Who’s on the Lek A Guide to Players

Document describes some of the key entities in the conservation of sage-grouse and sagebrush ecosystems.


Interagency Sage-grouse Conservation Implementation MOU

MOU provides for cooperation among the participating State and federal land, wildlife management and science agencies in the conservation and management of Greater sage-grouse, sagebrush habitats and other sagebrush-dependent wildlife throughout the Western United States and Canada.


Overview of Greater Sage-grouse and Endangered Species Act Activities

The Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is a game bird managed under State authorities. Summarizes petitions to USFWS to list the species under ESA, the Services conclusions and litigation status.


Sage-grouse Mapping and Priority Habitats

This primer displays the historic and current range of sage-grouse, sage-grouse management zones, and the breeding bird density map.


Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Findings for Petitions to List the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) as Threatened or Endangered

Fish and Wildlife Service’s March 2010 status review provides a detailed description of seasonal habitats, sage-grouse natural history and population trend analyses.


Beginner’s Guide to Greater Sage-Grouse

Introductory guide provides key points for a basic understanding of the greater sage-grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus and  its habitats.


Near Term Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan

Plan presented to Greater Sage-grouse Executive Oversight Committee & Sage-Grouse Task Force, September 11, 2012.


Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Conservation Objectives - Final Report

February 2013 report delineates reasonable objectives, based upon the best scientific and commercial data available at the time of its release, for the conservation and survival of greater sage-grouse.


Conserving Wildlife and Crucial Habitat in the West

Policy Resolution 13-04: Western Governors direct the Western Governors’ Wildlife Council to continue its guidance in the development, management and implementation with partners of the state and West-wide CHATs.


Sage-Grouse Initiative - Conservation Beyond Boundaries

2012 Progress Report describes the need, goals, and results/outcomes of the Initiative.


Two Win-Win Initiatives with Common Recovery Goals Lesser Prairie-Chicken and Greater Sage-Grouse

Lesser prairie-chickens and greater sage-grouse depend on large prairie and steppe landscapes shared by agricultural producers, primarily ranching operations.


Sage Grouse Initiative - Tracking Success

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) launched the Sage Grouse Initiative in 2010, applying the power of the Farm Bill to target lands where habitats are intact and sage grouse numbers are highest.


Applying the Sage-Grouse Fence Collision Risk Tool to Reduce Bird Strikes


A Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Friendly Fences - How to Build Fence with Wildlife in Mind


A Landowner's Guide to Fences and Wildlife - Practical Tips to Make Your Fences Wildlife Friendly

Wyoming Edition  


Influences of Livestock Grazing on Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat - Context and Management


Greater Sage-Grouse Field Indicator Guide

This brochure is offered to the public to further outreach and education about sage-grouse; a species being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Program.


Native Plants - A Quick Reference Guide

Learn more about native plants, get involved, and spread the word!


Inventory of State and Local Governments’ Conservation Initiatives for Sage-Grouse

The 2014 Sage-Grouse Appendix identifies all sage-grouse conservation initiatives reported by states and counties between 2011 and 2014. &n ...


Sage-Grouse Inventory - 2014 Conservation Initiatives

The fourth annual inventory produced by the Governors, through the Western Governors' Association, has expanded its focus from previous years.


Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Habitats

In this report, the authors assessed the ecological status and potential factors that influenced greater sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats across their entire distribution.& ...


Show Sage Grouse Habitat Management Organizations & Professionals (572)
There are 572 resources serving Eastern Plains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Sage Grouse Habitat Management Organizations & Professionals serving Eastern Plains Region
Biologists / Ecologists
Basin Wildlife Consulting
Rick Danvir - Casper, WY
Bob Hix
Pheasants Forever Inc. - Regional Field Representative - Aurora, CO
Colorado Wildlife Science, LLC
Jonathan Lowsky - Principal Ecologist - Basalt, CO
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kelsea Holloway
Private Lands Wildlife Biologist - Greeley, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
Marcella Tarantino
SGI Strategic Watershed Action Team - Farm Bill Biologist - Montrose, CO
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
Patty Knupp
Wildlife Area Biologist - USDA-NRCS Area Three Office - Rocky Ford, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Rebecca Burton
SGI Strategic Watershed Action Team - Farm Bill Biologist - Craig, CO
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southwest Monarch Study
- Chandler, AZ
Steve Boyle
BIO-Logic, Inc. - Principal & Senior Biologist - Montrose, CO
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS
Wright Water Engineers
Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CPESC - Denver, CO
Conservation Districts
Agate Conservation District
Andrea Richardson - District Manager - Simla, CO
Baca County Conservation District
Amanda McEndree-Saunders - District Manager - Springfield, CO
Bent County Conservation District
Betty Lawrence - District Manager - Las Animas, CO
Branson-Trinchera Conservation District
Jonnalea Tortorelli - District Manager - Trinidad, CO
Burlington Conservation District
- Burlington, CO
Centennial Conservation District
- Sterling, CO
Cheyenne Conservation District
- Cheyenne Wells, CO
Colorado Association of Conservation Districts
- Lamar, CO
Cope Conservation District
- Flagler, CO
Custer County Conservation District
- Westcliffe, CO
Double El Conservation District
Heather Cross - District Manager - Simla, CO
East Otero Conservation District
- Rocky Ford, CO
Flagler Conservation District
- Flagler, CO
Haxtun Conservation District
- Holyoke, CO
High Plains Conservation District
- Hugo, CO
Kiowa Conservation District
- Franktown, CO
Kiowa County Conservation District
- Franktown, CO
Longmont Conservation District
Liz Northrup - Conservation District Manager - Longmont, CO
Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District
Deanna Eskew - Secretary - Sterling, CO
Morgan Conservation District
Angela Woerner - District Manager - Fort Morgan, CO
Northeast Prowers Conservation District
- Holly, CO
Prairie Conservation District
- Hugo, CO
Prowers Conservation District
- Lamar, CO
Sedgwick County Conservation District
Jessica Harrington - District Manager - Julesburg, CO
South Pueblo County Conservation District
Richard C Rhoades - Pueblo, CO
Southeast Weld Conservation District
- Keenesburg, CO
Spanish Peaks-Purgatoire River Conservation District
- Trinidad, CO
Turkey Creek Conservation District
- Pueblo, CO
Upper Huerfano Conservation District
Jennifer Lopez - District Manager - Walsenburg, CO
Washington County Conservation District
- Akron, CO
West Greeley Conservation District
- Greeley, CO
West Otero Timpas Conservation
Nancy Aschermann - District Manager - Rocky Ford, CO
Yuma Conservation District
- Yuma, CO
Yuma County Conservation District
- Wray, CO
Conservation Groups and Associations
Access Fund
- Boulder, CO
ACRE Investment Management, LLC
- The Plains, VA
Agrarian Trust
Ian McSweeney - Director - Weare, NH
- Washington, DC
Agronomic Science Foundation
Susan Dearing-Bond - Director - Fitchburg, WI
American Agri-Women
- Colchester, VT
American Conservation Coalition
- Appleton, WI
American Farm Bureau Federation
- Washington, DC
American Fisheries Society
- Bethesda, MD
American Forest Foundation
- Washington, DC
American Forests
- Washington, DC
American Friends of Canadian Conservation
Sandra Tassel - Program Coordinator - Bellingham, WA
American Hiking Society
- Silver Spring, MD
American Rivers
Jaime Sigaran - Associate Director - Washington, DC
Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. AICP
- Willsboro, NY
Arbor Day Foundation
- Nebraska City, NE
Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
- Washington, DC
Bat Conservation International
- Austin, TX
Bee City USA
An Initiative of the Xerces Society - Portland, OR
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
- Brighton, CO
Boone and Crockett Club
- Missoula, MT
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - New Brunswick Chapter
Roberta Clowater - Executive Director - Fredericton, NB
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Ottawa, ON
Center for Collaborative Conservation
Warner College of Natural Resources - Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Center for Large Landscape Conservation
- Bozeman, MT
Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance
- Missoula, MT
Greg Newman - Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Agricultural Leadership Foundation
- Castle Rock, CO
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
Sarah Smith - Marketing & Communications Director - Arvada, CO
Colorado Historical Foundation
- Golden, CO
Colorado Mountain Club
- Golden, CO
Colorado Nonprofit Association
Renny Fagan - President and CEO - Denver, CO
Colorado Pheasants Forever
Bob Hix - Regional Representative for Colorado & Wyoming - Aurora, CO
Colorado State Land Board
- Denver, CO
Colorado Watershed Assembly
- Glendale, CO
Colorado Wildlife Federation
- Denver, CO
Community for Sustainable Energy
Fred Kirsch - Director - Fort Collins, CO
- Washington, DC
Conservation Colorado
Beka Wilson - Denver, CO
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Conservation Plus
- The Plains, VA
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)
- West Lafayette, IN
Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forests Insects and Diseases
- Sheffield, MA
Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports
- Washington, DC
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
- Bismarck, ND
EcoAgriculture Partners
- Oakton, VA
Ecological Restoration Business Association
- Tysons, VA
- Flagstaff, AZ
Environment Colorado
- Denver, CO
Environmental Incentives
- South Lake Tahoe, CA
Equine Land Conservation Resource
- Lexington, KY
Family Farm Alliance
- Klamath Falls, OR
Farmers For Monarchs
Franklin Holley - Keystone, CO
Forest Stewards Guild
- Santa Fe, NM
Forest Stewardship Council
- Minneapolis, MN
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Great Ecology
- San Diego, CA
Great Outdoors Colorado
- Denver, CO
Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development
Gail Nosek - Communications Director - Minneapolis, MN
Green School Alliance
- New York, NY
Greenway Foundation
- Denver, CO
High Plains Environmental Center
- Loveland, CO
Hunt Fish 30x30 Coalition
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation - Washington, DC
Iara Lacher
Seven Bends Nursery - Ecologist / Consultant - Berryville, VA
Institute for Environmental Solutions
- Denver, CO
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program
Monarch Joint Venture - St. Paul, MN
Intermountain West Joint Venture
- Missoula, MT
Itasca Ladyslipper Farm
Carol Steele - Grand Rapids, MN
Izaak Walton League
- Gaithersburg, MD
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Journey North
- Madison, WI
Julia Debes
Pheasants Forever - Working Lands for Wildlife Director of Agricultural Communications - Hoisington, KS
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
Land Trust Alliance
- Washington, DC
Mad Agriculture
- Boulder, CO
- Plymouth, MA
Marbleseed - Spring Valley, WI
Mark Howell
Grounded Truths LLC - Director/Emergency & Fire Mgmt Specialist - Doniphan, MO
Metro Blooms
Becky Rice - Executive Director - Minneapolis, MN
Monarch Collaborative
Keystone Policy Center - Keystone, CO
Monarch Flyway
- Ogallala, NE
Monarch Joint Venture
- St. Paul, MN
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
- Madison, WI
Mule Deer Foundation
- Salt Lake City, UT
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Association of Wetland Managers
Marla J. Stelk - Executive Director - Portland, ME
National Audubon Society
- New York, NY
National Deer Association
- Bogart, GA
National Family Farm Coaltion
- Washington, DC
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- Washington, DC
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Rocky Mountain Regional Office
Chris West - Director - Denver, CO
National Forestry Association
Keith A. Argow - President, Director at Large - Vienna, VA
National Grazing Lands Coalition
Monti Golla - National GLC Executive Director - College Station, TX
National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Washington, DC
National Wild Turkey Federation
- Edgefield, SC
National Wild Turkey Federation - Colorado State Chapter
- Larkspur, CO
National Wildlife Federation
- Reston, VA
Natural Areas Association
- Pittsburgh, PA
Nature Manitoba
Roger Turenne - President - Winnipeg, MB
No-till on the Plains
- Protection, KS
North American Grouse Partnership
- Garden Valley, ID
Orianne Society
- Tiger, GA
Parks for Pollinators
National Recreation and Park Association - Ashburn, VA
Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands
- Missoula, MT
Partners for Western Conservation
- Arvada, CO
Partners in the Sage
- Missoula, MT
Steve Jester - Executive Director - Pueblo, CO
Partnership for Conservation
- Washington, DC
Partnership of Rangeland Trusts
- Arvada, CO
Pheasants Forever
- St Paul, MN
Pinchot Institute for Conservation
V. Alaric Sample - President - Washington, DC
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Pollinators Prospering People
- Baltimore, MD
Poudre Valley Community Farms
- Laporte, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Project Apis m.
- Salt Lake City, UT
Project Monarch Health
- Athens, GA
Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation
- Buffalo, MO
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
- Washington, DC
River Partners
- Chico, CA
RiversEdge West
- Grand Junction, CO
Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society
- Coraopolis, PA
Sage Grouse Initiative
Tim Griffiths - West Regional Coordinator - Bozeman, MT
Savory Institute
- Boulder, CO
Soil and Water Conservation Society
- Ankeny, IA
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southwest Monarch Study
- Chandler, AZ
Sportsmen's Alliance
- Columbus, OH
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Kathy Abusow - President and CEO - Washington, DC
Sustainable Monarchs
- North Platte, NE
Tax Credit Connection, Inc.
Ariel Steele, Owner - Berthoud, CO
Terrafirma RRG LLC
- Burlington, VT
Texan by Nature
- Austin, TX
The Climate Trust
- Portland, OR
The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation
- Washington, DC
The Conservation Fund
- Arlington, VA
The Fund for Wild Nature
- La Canada, CA
The Land Institute
- Salina, KS
The Meateater Land Access Initiative
Meat EaterMT
The Pollinator Partnership
- San Francisco, CA
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- Portland, OR
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- Washington, DC
Thunder Bay Field Naturalists
Bruce Thacker - President - Thunder Bay, ON
Trout Headwaters, Inc.
- Livingston, MT
U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA)
- Chesterfield, MO
Unique Places To Save
- Chapel Hill, NC
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
- London, ON
USA National Phenology Network
- Tucson, AZ
Valleys 2000
Bill Huether - Treasurer - Bowmanville, ON
Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation
- Halifax, VA
Western Aquatic Plant Management Society
- Portland, OR
Western Growers
- Irvine, CA
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network
- Manomet, MA
Western Landowners Alliance
Lesli Allison - Executive Director - Santa Fe, NM
Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper
Xerces Society - Portland, OR
Western Monarch Working Group
- Boise, ID
Western Native Trout Initiative
Therese Thompson - Project Coordinator - Lakewood, CO
Western Resource Advocates
- Boulder, CO
Western Rivers Conservancy
- Portland, OR
Wild Sheep Foundation
- Bozeman, MT
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
- Longmont, CO
Wildlife Forever
- White Bear Lake, MN
Wildlife Management Institute
- Gardners, PA
Wildlife Research Institute
- Julian, CA
Women, Food & Agriculture Network
- Ames, IA
CSU Extension
Baca County Extension
- Springfield, CO
Bent County Extension
- Las Animas, CO
Cheyenne County Extension
- Cheyenne Wells, CO
Colorado State Forest Service Nursery
- Fort Collins, CO
Crowley County Extension
- Ordway, CO
Custer County Extension
- Westcliffe, CO
Elbert County Extension
- Kiowa, CO
Huerfano County Extension
- Walsenburg, CO
Kiowa County Extension
- Eads, CO
Kit Carson Extension
- Burlington, CO
Las Animas County Extension
- Trinidad, CO
Lincoln County Extension
- Hugo, CO
Logan County Extension
- Sterling, CO
Morgan County Extension
- Fort Morgan, CO
Otero County Extension
- Rocky Ford, CO
Phillips County Extension
- Holyoke, CO
Prowers County Extension
- Lamar, CO
Pueblo County Extension
- Pueblo, CO
Sedgwick County Extension
- Julesburg, CO
Washington County Extension
Jeannie Lambertson - Administrative Assistant - Akron, CO
Weld County Extension
- Greeley, CO
Yuma County Extension
- Wray, CO
Department of Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service Programs
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
Dr. Susan Pasko - Executive Secretary, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Ecological Services Program - Baileys Crossroads, VA
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
- Baileys Crossroads, VA
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
Region 6 - Mountain Prairie - Lakewood, CO
Fish Passage Program - Mountain-Prairie Region
Bill Rice - Fish Passage Coordinator - Denver, CO
Habitat Conservation Plans
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
MultiState Conservation Grant Program
Silvana Yaroschuk - MSCGP Program Manager - Washington, DC
National Fish Passage Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement for Monarch Butterfly on Energy and Transportation Lands
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants Program
Guy Foulks - NMBCA Program Coordinator - Falls Church, VA
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Arlington, VA
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program
Rodecia Mcknight - Small Grants Program Coordinator - Falls Church, VA
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Standard Grants Program
Stacy Sanchez - U.S. Standard Grants Program Proposal Coordinator - Falls Church, VA
Partners For Fish And Wildlife Program - National
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in Colorado
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Lakewood, CO
Safe Harbor Agreements
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior - Washington, DC
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
- Falls Church, VA
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT
Aaron Rector
- Colorado Springs, CO
Austin Shelby
Spring Branch Forestry - Ridgway, CO
Bruce F. Short
Short Forestry, LLC - Owner - Mancos, CO
Canon City Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Canon City, CO
Carrie Tomlinson
Colorado State Forest Service - Urban & Community Forestry Program Manager - Broomfield, CO
Cleave Dwire
- Sole Proprietor Contractor - Wells, NV
Colorado State Forest Service
- Fort Collins, CO
Council of Western State Foresters
Sara Goodwin - Communications Director - Edgewater, CO
Eric Folwell
- Louisville, CO
Fernando M Morales
- Montrose, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Greenleaf Forestry and Wood Products, Inc.
Len Lankford - President and CEO - Westcliffe, CO
Gretchen Cross
Buell Environmental LLC - Natural Resource Specialist - Oak Creek, CO
Jeff Smith
Tiger Tree Inc. - Laramie, WY
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
Kevin Warner
- Fort Collins, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
La Junta Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - La Junta, CO
La Veta Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - La Veta, CO
Lyle Laverty
The Laverty Group, LLC - Owner - Arvada, CO
Mark William Loveall
- Durango, CO
Markit! Forestry Management
- Colorado Springs, CO
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Certified Forester (Forestry Consultants) - Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
Northwest Management, Inc.
Vincent P. Corrao - President - Moscow, ID
Sharon A. Kyhl
Natural Resource Solutions Group, Inc. - President, Forester - Steamboat Springs, CO
Sierra Forest Products
- Chino, CA
Terry Bendetti
- Rifle, CO
Land Trusts
American Farmland Trust
- Washington, DC
BC Nature
Federation of BC Naturalists - North Vancouver, BC
Brenda Schick
Singing Stream Conservation Consultants - Principal - La Jolla, CA
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Ottawa, ON
Colorado Cattlemen's Agricultural Land Trust
Erik Glenn - Executive Director - Arvada, CO
Colorado Open Lands
- Lakewood, CO
Conservancy Hornby Island
- Hornby Island , BC
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
- Bismarck, ND
Douglas Land Conservancy
- Castle Rock, CO
Fraser Headwaters Alliance
- Dunster , BC
Fraser Valley Conservancy
- Abbotsford, BC
Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Tom Cameron - President - Gabriola Island, BC
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust
- Washington, DC
Islands Trust Fund
- Victoria, BC
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Kawartha Heritage Conservancy
- Peterborough, ON
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
- Kingston, ON
Land Trust Alliance
- Washington, DC
Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
Sheila Harrington - Programs Director - Victoria, BC
Legacy Land Trust
- Fort Collins, CO
Malaspina Land Conservancy
Janet Alred - President - Powell River, BC
Michael Hart
LandVest, Inc. - Senior Appraiser - Boston, MA
Nanaimo Area Land Trust
- Conservation Covenants Coordinator - Nanaimo, BC
Nature Conservancy of Canada
National Office - Toronto, ON
Nature Manitoba
Roger Turenne - President - Winnipeg, MB
Nature Trust of British Columbia
- BC Conservation Land Manager - Vancouver, BC
Nature Vancouver
Daniel Overmyer - Vancouver, BC
North American Land Trust
- Chadds Ford, PA
Open Space Institute
Jennifer Grossman - Vice President New York Land Program - New York, NY
Palmer Land Conservancy
- Colorado Springs, CO
Palmer Land Trust
- Colorado Springs, CO
Pender Islands Conservancy
Sylvia Pincott - Pender Island, BC
Peter D. Nichols
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti, LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society
George Barabas - Heriot Bay, BC
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
- Missoula, MT
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Salt Spring Island Conservancy
Linda Gilkeson - Executive Director - Salt Spring Island, BC
San Isabel Land Protection Trust
- Westcliffe, CO
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Habitat Trust Fund
- Moose Jaw, SK
Savary Island Land Trust Society
Liz Webster - Executive Director - Lund, BC
Silva Forest Foundation
Susan Hammond - Slocan Park, BC
Societe de Protection Fonciere de Saint-Adele
Jean-Louis Poirier - President - Saint-Adele, QC
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southern Plains Land Trust
- Lamar, CO
Sportsmen's National Land Trust
- Agawam, MA
Terrafirma RRG LLC
- Burlington, VT
The Barn Group
- Brooks, GA
The Greenlands Reserve
- Frisco, CO
The Nature Conservancy, Colorado Field Office
- Boulder, CO
The Trust for Public Land
- Denver, CO
The Trustees of Reservations
- Boston, MA
The Wilderness Land Trust
- Helena, MT
Trout Unlimited
Chris Wood - President and Chief Executive Officer - Arlington, VA
Trust for Public Land - Colorado Office
Denver Office - Denver, CO
Waterloo Region Nature
- Waterloo, ON
Watershed Land Trust
- Belton, MO
Wetlands America Trust
- Memphis, TN
Local Working Groups
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
Mitigation Banks
Bio-Logical Capital
Grant McCargo - Managing Director, Founder and CEO - Denver, CO
CO-Big Thompson Confluence Bank
- Golden, CO
CO-Front Range Bank
Westervelt Ecological Services - Bank Sponsor - Golden, CO
CO-Middle South Platte River
Mr. John Ryan - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Rosemont, IL
Ken McIntosh - Bank Sponsor - Brighton, CO
CO-South Platte Bank (Pending)
SCP Conservation LLC - Bank Sponsor - Naples, FL
Cramer Creek Mitigation Bank
Mr. Hank Humphreys - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Beulah, CO
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Ecosystem Investment Partners
- Baltimore, MD
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
- Charlottesville, VA
Front Range Umbrella Mitigation Bank
Restoration Systems, LLC - Ray Holz - Raleigh, NC
Limon Mitigation Bank
Rebecca Vickers - Bank Sponsor POC - Denver, CO
Lyme BX Ranch
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
Maria Lake Mitigation Bank
Mr. Ben Guillon - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Castle Rock, CO
Restoration Systems
- Raleigh, NC
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Westervelt Ecological Services
Lucy Harrington - Rocky Mountain Regional Manager - Centennial, CO
Natural Resource Law Attorneys
Allan Beezley
Allan C. Beezley, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Amanda Hemmerich
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Bradley Switzer
Law Offices of Bradley N. Switzer - Montrose, CO
Brandon L. Jensen
Budd–Falen Law Offices, LLC - Senior Associate - Cheyenne, WY
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Christina R. Sloan
The Sloan Law Firm, PLLC - Moab, UT
Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather
- Omaha, NE
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Dale Ratliff
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Associate - Denver, CO
David C. Conley, PC
- Colorado Springs, CO
David F. Bower
Johnson & Repucci LLP - Louisville, CO
David L. Kuosman
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
David Lawrence Kueter
Holsinger Law, LLC - Attorney - Denver, CO
Debra A. Conroy
3i Law - Denver, CO
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Nossaman LLP - Los Angeles, CA
Eric Gross
Eric J Gross Attorney P.C. - Carbondale, CO
Ezekiel (Zeke) J. Williams
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Gabriella Stockmayer
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Gregory A. Vallin
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP - Denver, CO
Gregory J Cucrola
Law Offices of Gregory J Cucarola - Sterling, CO
Jacquelyn (Cobb) Harvey
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jason M. Groves
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Jenna H. Keller
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jessica E. Jay
Conservation Law, P.C - Attorney at Law - Evergreen, CO
Joel Russell
Joel Russell Associates - Principal - Northampton, MA
John P. Justus
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Grand Junction, CO
Karl F. Kumli III
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Kate Ryan
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti - Attorney - Boulder, CO
Kent Holsinger
Holsinger Law, LLC - Denver, CO
Kevin L. Patrick
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
L. Richard (Dick) Bratton
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, Professional Corporation - Gunnison, CO
Lawrence Kueter
The Law Office of Lawrence R. Kueter - Attorney - Denver, CO
Leah K. Martinsson
Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti LLP - Special Counsel - Boulder, CO
Mark D. Detsky
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Matthew J. Douglas
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Murray D. Feldman
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
Nick Cramer
The Vertex Companies, Inc. - Senior Project Manager - Irving, TX
Patrick, Miller and Noto
Waterlaw - Denver, CO
Paul L. Noto
Patrick, Miller aned Noto - Basalt, CO
Peter D. Nichols
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti, LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Rebecca Hall
Packard and Dierking, LLC - Boulder, CO
Richard L. Emmett
- Durango, CO
Richard L. Reichstei
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Robert Noone
Noone Law Firm - Glenwood Springs, CO
Ronald M. Eddy
Sherman & Howard L.L.C. - Denver, CO
Sara J Streight LLC
Attorney - Fort Collins, CO
Scott C. Miller
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Scott Clark
Burns, Figa & Will - CEO/Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Star L. Waring
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C. - Cambridge, MA
Steven J. Bushong
Porzak, Browning & Bushong, LLP - Boulder, CO
Steven P. Jeffers
Lyons Gaddis Kahn Hall Jeffers Dworak & Grant PC - Louisville, CO
Thomas Hall
Braun & Gresham, PLLC - Attorney and Counselor - Austin, TX
Thomas J Ragonetti
Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti PC - Shareholder - Denver, CO
W. Alan Schroeder
Schroeder Law - Lawyer/owner - Boise, ID
William A. Hillhouse II
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Grand Junction, CO
William Caile
Holland & Hart - Of Counsel - Denver, CO
William G. Myers III
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
William Silberstein
Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell - Partner - Denver, CO
Willie DeFord
Dufford Waldeck - Grand Junction, CO
Willis V. Carpenter
Carpenter & Klatskin, P.C. - Denver, CO
State Funding / Technical Resources
Canon City Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Canon City, CO
Central Colorado Water Conservancy District
- Greeley, CO
Colorado Building Farmers
Project Director - Dawn Thilmany - Longmont, CO
Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Broomfield, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 1
Liam Cummins - Water Resource Specialist - Greeley, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 2
Lonnie Spady - River Operations Coordinator - Pueblo, CO
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program
Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Forest Legacy Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
David Anderson - Director and Chief Scientist - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Denver, CO
Colorado Parks & Wildlife Southwest Region
Cory Chick - Southeast Region Manager - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Small Range Maintenance Grants
- Denver, CO
Colorado Tree Farm Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Walk-in Access Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program
Amanda Nims - Denver, CO
Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Forest Ag Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Game Damage Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Habitat Partnership Program
- Grand Junction, CO
La Junta Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - La Junta, CO
La Veta Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - La Veta, CO
Lesser Prairie Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Boise, ID
Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District
- Sterling, CO
Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District
Deanna Eskew - Secretary - Sterling, CO
Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District
Greg Silkensen - Assistant Communications Manager - Berthoud, CO
Patty Knupp
Wildlife Area Biologist - USDA-NRCS Area Three Office - Rocky Ford, CO
Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
- Denver, CO
Pheasant Habitat Improvement Program
Colorado Division of Wildlife - Brush, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Purgatoire River Water Conservancy District
Thelma Lujan - Secretary & District Water Coordinator - Trinidad, CO
Ranching for Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Recovery & Conservation Plans
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Republican River Water Conservation District
Deb Daniel - General Manager - Wray, CO
Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District
Margie Medina - Pueblo, CO
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN)
- Fort Collins, CO
The Grassland Species Plan
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Wetland Wildlife Conservation Program
- Fort Collins, CO
USDA - FSA Programs
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Biomass Crop Assistance Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Colorado Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loan Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Denver, CO
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Conservation Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Emergency Forest Restoration Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farm Ownership Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Grassland Conservation Reserve Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Guaranteed Farm Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Highly Fractionated Indian Land Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Indian Tribal Land Acquisition Loan Program
Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Forage Disaster Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Livestock Indemnity Program
USDA FSA - Washington, DC
Logan County Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Sherry Lederhos - County Executive Director - Sterling, CO
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Phillips County Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- Holyoke, CO
Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP)
USDA Agricultural Research Service - Missoula, MT
Sedgwick County Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- Julesburg, CO
Source Water Protection Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Transition Incentives Program (TIP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
USDA - NRCS Programs
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Colorado Conservation Stewardship Program
Eugene Backhaus - State Resource Conservationist - Denver, CO
Colorado Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Debra M Molinaro - FA Program Manager - Denver, CO
Colorado Grassland Reserve Program
- Denver, CO
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
- Washington, DC
Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP)
- Washington, DC
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
EQIP Organic Initiative
- Washington, DC
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.
- Tampa, FL
Healthy Forest Reserve Program
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Washington, DC
Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)
USDA NRCS - Washington, DC
James E. 'Bud' Smith Plant Materials Center
- Knox City, TX
Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative- Colorado
USDA-NRCS - Denver, CO
Longleaf Pine Initiative
NRCS - Washington, DC
Los Lunas Plant Materials Center
- Los Lunas, NM
Manhattan Plant Materials Center
- Manhattan, KS
NRCS National Water Quality Initiative
- Washington, DC
Ogallala Aquifer Initiative
Barry Frantz - Coordinator - Washington, DC
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
- Washington, DC
Small scale solutions for your farm
USDA - NRCS - Washington, DC
The Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative
USDA-NRCS - Marysville, KS
USDA-NRCS Colorado
Clint Evans - State Conservationist (STC) - Denver, CO
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP)
NRCS - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP)
Lisa McCauley - Program Manager - Washington, DC
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP)- REPEALED
- Washington, DC
Working Lands for Wildlife
Tim Griffiths - Bozeman, MT
USDA Programs - Other
Bee Disease Diagnosis Service
Bee Research Laboratory - Beltsville, MD
Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program
Denis Ebodaghe - National Program Leader - Division of Agricultural Systems - Kansas City, MO
Christopher Warren
USDA/Rural Development - Business Grant & Loan Analyst - Washington, DC
Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
Rural Development Loan Programs
USDA Rural Development - Washington, DC
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
State and Private Forestry
USDA Forest Service - Office of Communication - Washington, DC
The Advanced Biofuel Payment Program
Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA - Washington, DC
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)
USDA Rural Development - Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants - Washington, DC
Value-Added Producer Grant Program
USDA Office of Rural Development - Washington, DC
Western SARE
- Bozeman, MT
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Basin Wildlife Consulting
Rick Danvir - Casper, WY
Cleave Dwire
- Sole Proprietor Contractor - Wells, NV
Colorado Parks & Wildlife Southwest Region
Cory Chick - Southeast Region Manager - Colorado Springs, CO
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
Gretchen Cross
Buell Environmental LLC - Natural Resource Specialist - Oak Creek, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
Lannie B. Philley, AFM
Delta Land & Farm Mgmt Co, LLC - Appraiser, Manager - Mer Rouge, LA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Patty Knupp
Wildlife Area Biologist - USDA-NRCS Area Three Office - Rocky Ford, CO
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
SME Environmental, Inc.
- Durango, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Steve Boyle
BIO-Logic, Inc. - Principal & Senior Biologist - Montrose, CO
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS

 Wildlife Best Management Practices

Show Articles on Wildlife Best Management Practices (24)
Returning Fire to the Land

For thousands of years, the vast majority of fires on the land were intentionally set by Indigenous Peoples of this region for a variety of reasons.


Working Lands For Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife —a voluntary, incentive-based effort—the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its conservation partners will provide landowners with technical and financial assistance to: Restore populations of declining wildlife species.


Mowing and Management: Best Practices for Monarchs

Understanding when monarchs are present allows land managers to time management practices like burning, mowing, grazing, or targeted pesticide application when they are least likely to harm monarchs.


A talk with Carter Smith of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Watch and listen to a talk with Carter Smith the Executive Director and Tom Harvey the Deputy Director of Communications of the Texas Parks ...


Better Grazing Through Burning

“The prairie has to have fire or it’s going to be gone—we’re going to lose it to the encroachment of trees.” Those are the words of rancher Ed Koger of southwest Kansas.


Fire Effects Information System

The Fire Effects Information System is an online collection of reviews of the scientific literature about fire effects on plants and animals and about fire regimes of plant communities in the United States. FEIS reviews are based on thorough literature searches, often supplemented with insights from field scientists and managers. FEIS provides reviews that are efficient to use, thoroughly documented, and defensible. Approximately 15 to 30 new or revised reviews are published in FEIS each year. There are 3 types of FEIS reviews:

  1. Species Reviews 
  2. Fire Studies 
  3. Fire Regime Syntheses 


Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves and Elk A Western Landowners’ Guide

This guide has been produced by and for landowners and practitioners constructively engaged in one of the greatest conservation challenges of our time—how to share and manage a wild, working landscape that sustains both people and wildlife.


Integrating Bird Conservation into Range Management

This manual is designed to assist resource professionals with integrating birds and their habitat needs into range management and monitoring, and to train landowners and land managers to do the same.& ...


Sharing Your Land with Prairie Wildlife

This third edition of this manual (formerly entitled Sharing Your Land With Shortgrass Prairie Birds) is about how to help birds and other wildlife make a living from the land while you do the same.


Best Management Practices for Shortgrass Prairie Birds

The information in this guide is designed to guide you in creating and maintaining habitat for 13 bird species of the shortgrass prairie, birds that are in need of conservation efforts.


Decontamination Documentation for Cavers

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) strongly recommends, first and foremost, compliance with all cave closures, advisories, and regulations in all Federal, State,Tribal, and private lands.


Bird Conservation in Private Ponderosa Pine Forests

American Bird Conservancy (ABC), in cooperation with the American Forest Foundation, Forest Restoration Partnership, and several other partners, is working with private landowners to implement bird conservation  measures in ponderosa pine habitat throughout the western United States.


CP 33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds

CP-33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds is available under the United States Department of Agriculture Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP).


Greater Sage-grouse Comprehensive Conservation Strategy

This Strategy outlines the critical need to develop the associations among local, state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and individual citizens to design and implement cooperative actions to support robust populations of sage-grouse and the landscapes and habitats upon which they depend.


Watering Facility Wildlife Escape Ladder Design


Recommendations for Responsible Oil and Gas Development

This report outlines sportsmen’s recommendations for responsible energy development in the Rocky Mountain West—a platform and prescription for development that accommodates our energy needs without sacrificing our Western heritage.


Conserving lands and prosperity - Seeking a proper balance between conservation and development in the Rocky Mountain West

More than half of the land in the Western United states is managed by state and federal governments (Jackson, 1995). Public lands in the seven Rocky Mountain States alone cover an area roughly 7.5 ...


A Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Friendly Fences - How to Build Fence with Wildlife in Mind


A Landowner's Guide to Fences and Wildlife - Practical Tips to Make Your Fences Wildlife Friendly

Wyoming Edition  


Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Habitats

In this report, the authors assessed the ecological status and potential factors that influenced greater sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats across their entire distribution.& ...


Strategies for Managing the Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife and Ecosystems

From The Heinz Center, this 2008 lengthy publication is targeted to land managers who practice adaptive management.


Prescribed Fire Associations

A Prescribed Fire Association is a group of landowners and other concerned citizens that form a partnership to conduct prescribed burns. Prescribed burning is the key land management tool used to restore and maintain native plant communities to their former diversity and productivity for livestock production and wildlife habitat.


National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative Unified Strategy to Restore Wild Quail

Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) were once common, even abundant, on farms, rangelands and forests across more than 30 states. Bobwhites have declined an average of 3% per year since 1966, and have virtually disappeared from some northern states.


Ecosystem services provided by bats

Review of the available literature on the ecological and economic impact of ecosystem services provided by  bats.


 Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Show Articles on Wildlife Conservation Strategy (6)
Working Lands for Wildlife Implementation Process

Learn how the WLFW programs are implemented with this handy flow chart.


Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs

Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and private landowners.


Working Lands for Wildlife Greater Sage-Grouse

FAQs Including CCAA and SGI Comparison


Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands

For many years the Service has worked with partners to help them develop Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCAs). CCAs primarily have been developed by Federal agencies to cover Federal lands, and several have resulted in conservation efforts that made listing unnecessary.


The 2016 Lesser Prairie-Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan Annual Progress Report

In 2014, a new era in wildlife conservation was ushered in with the implementation of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken (LPC) Range-wide Conservation Plan (Van Pelt et al.


Conserving Wildlife and Crucial Habitat in the West

Policy Resolution 13-04: Western Governors direct the Western Governors’ Wildlife Council to continue its guidance in the development, management and implementation with partners of the state and West-wide CHATs.