Established in 1992, The Wilderness Land Trust is a national, nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to purchasing lands for the federal wilderness system to ensure their preservation. Our goal is to ensure that America keeps its promise to future generations that America’s wilderness will remain forever wild.
Mission: Keep the Promise of Wilderness - By acquiring and transferring private lands (inholdings) to public ownership that complete designated and proposed wilderness areas, or directly protect wilderness values.
With the Wilderness Preservation Act in 1964, Congress established the world’s first National Wilderness Preservation System, where “man himself is a visitor who does not remain.” But simply drawing lines on a map and declaring it a wilderness area does not necessarily make a wilderness whole. Wilderness areas are often riddled with private ownership. Many such “inholdings” predate the Wilderness Act and are vulnerable to mining, logging, oil and gas drilling and development. The Wilderness Land Trust works to acquire these lands. We then transfer them to federal agencies to be protected as wilderness forever.
By removing these threats not only protect these lands from development, but also the integrity of the surrounding wilderness. Donors make this work possible.
Beyond its inherent beauty, many would say that wilderness defines the American spirit. Wilderness has long inspired American thinking, writing and art. As we face unprecedented global environmental challenges, wilderness is a last refuge for endangered wildlife, a source of clean air and water, and critical to understanding and limiting climate change.

Contact The Wilderness Land Trust
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ColoradoLandCAN.
The Wilderness Land Trust is not employed by or affiliated with the Colorado Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact The Wilderness Land Trust
PO BOX 881
Helena, MT 59624
Phone: 206-397-5240
Fax: 970-963-6067
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