Stephen J. Small is a tax attorney at his own firm, the Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C, in Boston. He is the author of:
The Preserving Family Lands books have sold more than 90,000 copies.
Stephen J. Small is recognized as the nation's leading authority on private land protection options and strategies. Before authoring the Federal Tax Law of Conservation Easements and Preserving Family Lands: Book I, Book II, and Book III, and he wrote the Federal Income Tax Regulations on Conservation Easements as attorney-advisor in the Office of Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service.
Steve currently represents and advises numerous corporate, individual, and family owners on complex land planning for their properties. He also directs project teams on extensive and complex planning for maximum income tax benefits in connection with conservation easements. Steve advises government agencies and non-profits on leveraging land acquisition dollars.
In addition to representing clients and writing books, Steve Small also tours the United States delivering speeches and leading workshops on the importance of income tax and estate tax planning and land preservation.
Before going into private practice, Mr. Small was an attorney-advisor in the Office of Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, D.C., where he wrote the federal income tax regulations on conservation easements.
Mr. Small advises landowners on federal income and estate tax planning to help preserve valued family land, including planning for the next generation of ownership. He has worked with private landowners around the country to preserve a wide range of property, from small family parcels, timberland, and dairy farms, to western ranches, Atlantic coast barrier islands, farmland, and wildlife habitat.
Mr. Small has given more than two hundred fifty speeches, seminars, and workshops around the country on tax planning for landowners, succession planning for family lands, and tax incentives for land conservation. He is a member of the Massachusetts and District of Columbia Bars.
- Representing numerous corporate, individual, and family owners of ranchland, farmland, forestland, and historic property in conservation and preservation easement projects and succession planning for family properties; consultation with local counsel
- advising government agencies and non-profits on how to leverage acquisition dollars and related tax and legal planning for property owners
- advising and planning for conservation and preservation buyers; planning for and creating family private foundations and charitable remainder trusts; structuring bargain sales of easements and properties to conservation and preservation organizations and government agencies
- coordinating project teams on extensive and complex planning for maximum income tax benefits in connection with high-value easements
- counsel to non-profits in property transactions, the law of tax-exempt organizations and the drafting and use of legal conservation documentation
Contact Stephen J. Small, Esq.
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ColoradoLandCAN.
Stephen J. Small, Esq. is not employed by or affiliated with the Colorado Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C.
955 Massachusetts Avenue
PMB 310
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-357-4012
Fax: 617-357-1857
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