Bird Conservation in Private Ponderosa Pine Forests

American Bird Conservancy (ABC), in cooperation with the American Forest Foundation, Forest Restoration Partnership, and several other partners, is working with private landowners to implement bird conservation  measures in ponderosa pine habitat throughout the western United States. Our partnership seeks to help family forest owners restore open, mature stands of ponderosa pine habitat to meet the needs of cavity- nesting bird species of conservation concern, nota- bly the Flammulated Owl, Lewis’s Woodpecker, and White-headed Woodpecker.

We have been working with landowners on large and small tracts of ponderosa pine forest to encourage the implementation of ponderosa pine restoration and conservation measures such as thinning, fuels reduction, and snag management. Our program also includes activities such as the preparation of management plans, field demonstration days hosted by private landowners, development of education and outreach materials, initiation of nest box programs, and the collection of inventory and monitoring data that describe habitat conditions and assess the presence and habitat suitability for priority bird species.


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