Oil and Gas Resources in Central Mountains Region

 Eminent Domain

Show Articles on Eminent Domain (2)
Eminent Domain Law in Colorado - Part II - Just Compensation

Part II of this article addresses some of the key procedural and substantive rules governing the assessment of just compensation in a taking of private property, including important concepts in evaluating compensation claims for property actually taken, as well as remainder damages and specific benefits.


Eminent Domain Law in Colorado - Part I - The Right to Take Private Property

Part I of this article discusses the exercise of the power of eminent domain, including sources of authority, public purpose, necessity, and negotiations, as well as practical issues related to the filing of a condemnation action and obtaining immediate possession.


Show Eminent Domain Organizations & Professionals (30)
There are 30 resources serving Central Mountains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Eminent Domain Organizations & Professionals serving Central Mountains Region
Eminent Domain Attorneys
James J. Petrock
Petrock Fendel Poznanovic - Partner/shareholder - Denver, CO
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Thomas J Ragonetti
Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti PC - Shareholder - Denver, CO
Oil Gas And Mineral Attorneys
Barbara Green
Sullivan Green Seavy, LLC - Boulder, CO
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Chad J. Lee
Balcomb & Green, P.C. - Partner - Glenwood Springs, CO
Charles Bybee
Faegre Baker Daniels - Partner - Denver, CO
David L. Kuosman
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Elijah Jimmerson
Burns, Figa & Will - Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Eliza F. Hillhouse
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Denver, CO
Eric Gross
Eric J Gross Attorney P.C. - Carbondale, CO
Ezekiel (Zeke) J. Williams
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Franklin J. Falen
Budd-Falen Law Offices, L.L.C. - Cheyenne, WY
Gregory J Cucrola
Law Offices of Gregory J Cucarola - Sterling, CO
Jana Houghteling
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Janet N. Harris
Holland & Hart LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Jeanine Feriancek
Holland & Hart LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Jenna H. Keller
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jennifer Biever
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Josh Oden
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Kemper Will
Burns, Figa & Will - Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Melissa Magee
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Michael Jewell
Burns, Figa & Will - Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Mike Smith
- Cheyenne, WY
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Murray D. Feldman
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
Paul D. Phillips
Holland & Hart LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Rachel Jones
Burns, Figa & Will - Paralegal - Greenwood Village, CO
Scott Clark
Burns, Figa & Will - CEO/Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
William Caile
Holland & Hart - Of Counsel - Denver, CO

 Mineral Rights and Surface Use

Show Articles on Mineral Rights and Surface Use (7)

FracFocus: Chemical Disclosure Registry Looking for information on a well site near you? Use FracFocus to search for nearby well sites that have been hydraulically fractured to see what chemicals were used in the process.
 Click here. 


Checklist For Negotiating an Oil and Gas Lease

This article is intended to provide practical advice for landowners in negotiating oil and gas leases of their mineral interests. It is not a comprehensive list of all possible issues that may arise in negotiating leases, nor is it a survey of the law concerning interpretation or enforcement of leases.


Minerals, Surface Rights, and Royalty Payments

The exploration and production of minerals, especially oil and gas, have played an important role in the economic development of Texas. Because most of the oil and gas is privately owned, a body of law has evolved in the state that defines ownership rights.& ...


The Start and Finish of an Oil and Gas Lease

This paper focuses on when an oil and gas lease starts and ends. In order to answer these questions, we must know what it is and how it works.


Eminent Domain Law in Colorado - Part I - The Right to Take Private Property

Part I of this article discusses the exercise of the power of eminent domain, including sources of authority, public purpose, necessity, and negotiations, as well as practical issues related to the filing of a condemnation action and obtaining immediate possession.


A Landowner’s Guide to Hydraulic Fracturing - Addressing environmental and health issues in oil and gas leases

Resource for landowners who are considering leasing their property for shale oil and gas development. Informs of possible environmental and health impacts, issues and protective provisions that can be addressed in a lease, and approaches aimed at protecting conservation features on the property.


State Oil & Natural Gas Regulations Designed to Protect Water Resources

This report is designed to equip regulators and policymakers with pertinent data and observations to consider when evaluating and revising rules in their states.


Show Mineral Rights and Surface Use Organizations & Professionals (94)
There are 94 resources serving Central Mountains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Mineral Rights and Surface Use Organizations & Professionals serving Central Mountains Region
Eminent Domain Attorneys
James J. Petrock
Petrock Fendel Poznanovic - Partner/shareholder - Denver, CO
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Thomas J Ragonetti
Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti PC - Shareholder - Denver, CO
Natural Resource Law Attorneys
Allan Beezley
Allan C. Beezley, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Amanda Hemmerich
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Beth Appleton
Elizabeth P. Appleton, PC - Crested Butte, CO
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Bradley Switzer
Law Offices of Bradley N. Switzer - Montrose, CO
Brandon L. Jensen
Budd–Falen Law Offices, LLC - Senior Associate - Cheyenne, WY
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Christina R. Sloan
The Sloan Law Firm, PLLC - Moab, UT
Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather
- Omaha, NE
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Dale Ratliff
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Associate - Denver, CO
David C. Conley, PC
- Colorado Springs, CO
David F. Bower
Johnson & Repucci LLP - Louisville, CO
David L. Kuosman
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
David Lawrence Kueter
Holsinger Law, LLC - Attorney - Denver, CO
Debra A. Conroy
3i Law - Denver, CO
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Nossaman LLP - Los Angeles, CA
Eric Gross
Eric J Gross Attorney P.C. - Carbondale, CO
Ezekiel (Zeke) J. Williams
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Gabriella Stockmayer
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Gregory A. Vallin
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP - Denver, CO
Gregory J Cucrola
Law Offices of Gregory J Cucarola - Sterling, CO
Jacquelyn (Cobb) Harvey
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jason M. Groves
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Jenna H. Keller
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jessica E. Jay
Conservation Law, P.C - Attorney at Law - Evergreen, CO
Joel Russell
Joel Russell Associates - Principal - Northampton, MA
John P. Justus
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Grand Junction, CO
Karl F. Kumli III
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Kate Ryan
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti - Attorney - Boulder, CO
Kent Holsinger
Holsinger Law, LLC - Denver, CO
Kevin L. Patrick
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
L. Richard (Dick) Bratton
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, Professional Corporation - Gunnison, CO
Lawrence Kueter
The Law Office of Lawrence R. Kueter - Attorney - Denver, CO
Leah K. Martinsson
Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti LLP - Special Counsel - Boulder, CO
Mark D. Detsky
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Matthew J. Douglas
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Murray D. Feldman
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
Nick Cramer
The Vertex Companies, Inc. - Senior Project Manager - Irving, TX
Patrick, Miller and Noto
Waterlaw - Denver, CO
Paul L. Noto
Patrick, Miller aned Noto - Basalt, CO
Peter D. Nichols
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti, LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Rebecca Hall
Packard and Dierking, LLC - Boulder, CO
Richard L. Emmett
- Durango, CO
Richard L. Reichstei
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Robert Noone
Noone Law Firm - Glenwood Springs, CO
Ronald M. Eddy
Sherman & Howard L.L.C. - Denver, CO
Sara J Streight LLC
Attorney - Fort Collins, CO
Scott C. Miller
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Scott Clark
Burns, Figa & Will - CEO/Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Star L. Waring
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C. - Cambridge, MA
Steven J. Bushong
Porzak, Browning & Bushong, LLP - Boulder, CO
Steven P. Jeffers
Lyons Gaddis Kahn Hall Jeffers Dworak & Grant PC - Louisville, CO
Thomas Hall
Braun & Gresham, PLLC - Attorney and Counselor - Austin, TX
Thomas J Ragonetti
Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti PC - Shareholder - Denver, CO
W. Alan Schroeder
Schroeder Law - Lawyer/owner - Boise, ID
William A. Hillhouse II
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Grand Junction, CO
William Caile
Holland & Hart - Of Counsel - Denver, CO
William G. Myers III
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
William Silberstein
Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell - Partner - Denver, CO
Willie DeFord
Dufford Waldeck - Grand Junction, CO
Willis V. Carpenter
Carpenter & Klatskin, P.C. - Denver, CO
Oil Gas And Mineral Attorneys
Barbara Green
Sullivan Green Seavy, LLC - Boulder, CO
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Chad J. Lee
Balcomb & Green, P.C. - Partner - Glenwood Springs, CO
Charles Bybee
Faegre Baker Daniels - Partner - Denver, CO
David L. Kuosman
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Elijah Jimmerson
Burns, Figa & Will - Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Eliza F. Hillhouse
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Denver, CO
Eric Gross
Eric J Gross Attorney P.C. - Carbondale, CO
Ezekiel (Zeke) J. Williams
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Franklin J. Falen
Budd-Falen Law Offices, L.L.C. - Cheyenne, WY
Gregory J Cucrola
Law Offices of Gregory J Cucarola - Sterling, CO
Jana Houghteling
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Janet N. Harris
Holland & Hart LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Jeanine Feriancek
Holland & Hart LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Jenna H. Keller
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jennifer Biever
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Josh Oden
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Kemper Will
Burns, Figa & Will - Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Melissa Magee
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Michael Jewell
Burns, Figa & Will - Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Mike Smith
- Cheyenne, WY
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Murray D. Feldman
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
Paul D. Phillips
Holland & Hart LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Rachel Jones
Burns, Figa & Will - Paralegal - Greenwood Village, CO
Scott Clark
Burns, Figa & Will - CEO/Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
William Caile
Holland & Hart - Of Counsel - Denver, CO

 Voluntary Conservation Practices

Show Articles on Voluntary Conservation Practices (8)
Evaluating the Scientific Support of Conservation Best Management Practices for Shale Gas Extraction in the Appalachian Basin

Reviews and evaluates 28 conservation best management practices for oil and gas development in the Appalachian Basin.


A Landowner’s Guide to Hydraulic Fracturing - Addressing environmental and health issues in oil and gas leases

Resource for landowners who are considering leasing their property for shale oil and gas development. Informs of possible environmental and health impacts, issues and protective provisions that can be addressed in a lease, and approaches aimed at protecting conservation features on the property.


Adverse Impact Reduction Handbook

Reducing Onshore Natural Gas and Oil Exploration and Production Impacts Using a Broad-Based Stakeholder Approach


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tier 1 qualified facility SPCC plan template

This template is intended to help the owner or operator of a Tier I qualified facility develop a self-certified Spill Prevention,  Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan.


Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Conservation Activity Plan

The USDA-NRCS is operating a pilot program through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to provide assistance to eligible  producers in meeting the EPA requirements for an Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan.


EPA SPCC Sample Plan

An example of a farm facility and how the farmer determines he is covered by the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule and prepares an SPCC Plan.


Recommendations for Responsible Oil and Gas Development

This report outlines sportsmen’s recommendations for responsible energy development in the Rocky Mountain West—a platform and prescription for development that accommodates our energy needs without sacrificing our Western heritage.


Conserving lands and prosperity - Seeking a proper balance between conservation and development in the Rocky Mountain West

More than half of the land in the Western United states is managed by state and federal governments (Jackson, 1995). Public lands in the seven Rocky Mountain States alone cover an area roughly 7.5 ...


Show Voluntary Conservation Practices Organizations & Professionals (463)
There are 463 resources serving Central Mountains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Voluntary Conservation Practices Organizations & Professionals serving Central Mountains Region
Biologists / Ecologists
Basin Wildlife Consulting
Rick Danvir - Casper, WY
Bob Hix
Pheasants Forever Inc. - Regional Field Representative - Aurora, CO
Colorado Wildlife Science, LLC
Jonathan Lowsky - Principal Ecologist - Basalt, CO
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
Marcella Tarantino
SGI Strategic Watershed Action Team - Farm Bill Biologist - Montrose, CO
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
Patty Knupp
Wildlife Area Biologist - USDA-NRCS Area Three Office - Rocky Ford, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Rebecca Burton
SGI Strategic Watershed Action Team - Farm Bill Biologist - Craig, CO
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southwest Monarch Study
- Chandler, AZ
Steve Boyle
BIO-Logic, Inc. - Principal & Senior Biologist - Montrose, CO
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS
Wright Water Engineers
Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CPESC - Denver, CO
Conservation Groups and Associations
Access Fund
- Boulder, CO
ACRE Investment Management, LLC
- The Plains, VA
Agrarian Trust
Ian McSweeney - Director - Weare, NH
- Washington, DC
Agronomic Science Foundation
Susan Dearing-Bond - Director - Fitchburg, WI
Alma Foundation
- Alma, CO
American Agri-Women
- Colchester, VT
American Conservation Coalition
- Appleton, WI
American Farm Bureau Federation
- Washington, DC
American Fisheries Society
- Bethesda, MD
American Forest Foundation
- Washington, DC
American Forests
- Washington, DC
American Friends of Canadian Conservation
Sandra Tassel - Program Coordinator - Bellingham, WA
American Hiking Society
- Silver Spring, MD
American Rivers
Jaime Sigaran - Associate Director - Washington, DC
Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. AICP
- Willsboro, NY
Arbor Day Foundation
- Nebraska City, NE
Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
- Washington, DC
Bat Conservation International
- Austin, TX
Bee City USA
An Initiative of the Xerces Society - Portland, OR
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
- Brighton, CO
Boone and Crockett Club
- Missoula, MT
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - New Brunswick Chapter
Roberta Clowater - Executive Director - Fredericton, NB
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Ottawa, ON
Center for Collaborative Conservation
Warner College of Natural Resources - Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Center for Large Landscape Conservation
- Bozeman, MT
Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance
- Missoula, MT
Greg Newman - Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
- Grand Junction, CO
Colorado Agricultural Leadership Foundation
- Castle Rock, CO
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
Sarah Smith - Marketing & Communications Director - Arvada, CO
Colorado Historical Foundation
- Golden, CO
Colorado Mountain Club
- Golden, CO
Colorado Nonprofit Association
Renny Fagan - President and CEO - Denver, CO
Colorado Pheasants Forever
Bob Hix - Regional Representative for Colorado & Wyoming - Aurora, CO
Colorado State Land Board
- Denver, CO
Colorado Watershed Assembly
- Glendale, CO
Colorado Wildlife Federation
- Denver, CO
Colorado Wildlife Heritage Foundation
- Denver, CO
Community for Sustainable Energy
Fred Kirsch - Director - Fort Collins, CO
- Washington, DC
Conservation Colorado
Beka Wilson - Denver, CO
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Conservation Plus
- The Plains, VA
Conservation Solutions, LLC
Palmer Brock - Greenwood, MS
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)
- West Lafayette, IN
Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forests Insects and Diseases
- Sheffield, MA
Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports
- Washington, DC
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
- Bismarck, ND
EcoAgriculture Partners
- Oakton, VA
Ecological Restoration Business Association
- Tysons, VA
- Flagstaff, AZ
Environment Colorado
- Denver, CO
Environmental Incentives
- South Lake Tahoe, CA
Equine Land Conservation Resource
- Lexington, KY
Family Farm Alliance
- Klamath Falls, OR
Farmers For Monarchs
Franklin Holley - Keystone, CO
Forest Stewards Guild
- Santa Fe, NM
Forest Stewardship Council
- Minneapolis, MN
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Great Ecology
- San Diego, CA
Great Outdoors Colorado
- Denver, CO
Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development
Gail Nosek - Communications Director - Minneapolis, MN
Green School Alliance
- New York, NY
Greenway Foundation
- Denver, CO
High Plains Environmental Center
- Loveland, CO
Hunt Fish 30x30 Coalition
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation - Washington, DC
Iara Lacher
Seven Bends Nursery - Ecologist / Consultant - Berryville, VA
Institute for Environmental Solutions
- Denver, CO
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program
Monarch Joint Venture - St. Paul, MN
Intermountain West Joint Venture
- Missoula, MT
Itasca Ladyslipper Farm
Carol Steele - Grand Rapids, MN
Izaak Walton League
- Gaithersburg, MD
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Journey North
- Madison, WI
Julia Debes
Pheasants Forever - Working Lands for Wildlife Director of Agricultural Communications - Hoisington, KS
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
Land Trust Alliance
- Washington, DC
Mad Agriculture
- Boulder, CO
- Plymouth, MA
Marbleseed - Spring Valley, WI
Mark Howell
Grounded Truths LLC - Director/Emergency & Fire Mgmt Specialist - Doniphan, MO
Metro Blooms
Becky Rice - Executive Director - Minneapolis, MN
Monarch Collaborative
Keystone Policy Center - Keystone, CO
Monarch Flyway
- Ogallala, NE
Monarch Joint Venture
- St. Paul, MN
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
- Madison, WI
Mountain Roots Food Project
Lyndie Kenlon - Healthy Futures AmeriCorps Program Director - Gunnison, CO
Mule Deer Foundation
- Salt Lake City, UT
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Association of Wetland Managers
Marla J. Stelk - Executive Director - Portland, ME
National Audubon Society
- New York, NY
National Deer Association
- Bogart, GA
National Family Farm Coaltion
- Washington, DC
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- Washington, DC
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Rocky Mountain Regional Office
Chris West - Director - Denver, CO
National Forestry Association
Keith A. Argow - President, Director at Large - Vienna, VA
National Grazing Lands Coalition
Monti Golla - National GLC Executive Director - College Station, TX
National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Washington, DC
National Wild Turkey Federation
- Edgefield, SC
National Wild Turkey Federation - Colorado State Chapter
- Larkspur, CO
National Wildlife Federation
- Reston, VA
Natural Areas Association
- Pittsburgh, PA
Nature Manitoba
Roger Turenne - President - Winnipeg, MB
No-till on the Plains
- Protection, KS
North American Grouse Partnership
- Garden Valley, ID
Orianne Society
- Tiger, GA
Parks for Pollinators
National Recreation and Park Association - Ashburn, VA
Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands
- Missoula, MT
Partners for Western Conservation
- Arvada, CO
Partners in the Sage
- Missoula, MT
Steve Jester - Executive Director - Pueblo, CO
Partnership for Conservation
- Washington, DC
Partnership of Rangeland Trusts
- Arvada, CO
Pheasants Forever
- St Paul, MN
Pinchot Institute for Conservation
V. Alaric Sample - President - Washington, DC
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Pollinators Prospering People
- Baltimore, MD
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Project Apis m.
- Salt Lake City, UT
Project Monarch Health
- Athens, GA
Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation
- Buffalo, MO
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
- Washington, DC
River Partners
- Chico, CA
RiversEdge West
- Grand Junction, CO
Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers
- Basalt, CO
Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society
- Coraopolis, PA
Sage Grouse Initiative
Tim Griffiths - West Regional Coordinator - Bozeman, MT
Savory Institute
- Boulder, CO
Soil and Water Conservation Society
- Ankeny, IA
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southwest Monarch Study
- Chandler, AZ
Sportsmen's Alliance
- Columbus, OH
Susan Lohr
Lohr Associates - Grand Junction, CO
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Kathy Abusow - President and CEO - Washington, DC
Sustainable Monarchs
- North Platte, NE
Tax Credit Connection, Inc.
Ariel Steele, Owner - Berthoud, CO
Terrafirma RRG LLC
- Burlington, VT
Texan by Nature
- Austin, TX
The Climate Trust
- Portland, OR
The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation
- Washington, DC
The Conservation Fund
- Arlington, VA
The Fund for Wild Nature
- La Canada, CA
The Land Institute
- Salina, KS
The Meateater Land Access Initiative
Meat EaterMT
The Pollinator Partnership
- San Francisco, CA
The Summit Foundation
Jeanne Bistranin - Executive Director - Breckenridge, CO
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- Portland, OR
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- Washington, DC
Thunder Bay Field Naturalists
Bruce Thacker - President - Thunder Bay, ON
Trout Headwaters, Inc.
- Livingston, MT
U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA)
- Chesterfield, MO
Unique Places To Save
- Chapel Hill, NC
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
- London, ON
USA National Phenology Network
- Tucson, AZ
Valleys 2000
Bill Huether - Treasurer - Bowmanville, ON
Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation
- Halifax, VA
Western Aquatic Plant Management Society
- Portland, OR
Western Growers
- Irvine, CA
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network
- Manomet, MA
Western Landowners Alliance
Lesli Allison - Executive Director - Santa Fe, NM
Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper
Xerces Society - Portland, OR
Western Monarch Working Group
- Boise, ID
Western Native Trout Initiative
Therese Thompson - Project Coordinator - Lakewood, CO
Western Resource Advocates
- Boulder, CO
Western Rivers Conservancy
- Portland, OR
Wild Sheep Foundation
- Bozeman, MT
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
- Longmont, CO
Wildlife Forever
- White Bear Lake, MN
Wildlife Management Institute
- Gardners, PA
Wildlife Research Institute
- Julian, CA
Women, Food & Agriculture Network
- Ames, IA
Federal and State Tax Incentives and Programs
Current Use Tax Program
- Montpelier, VT
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center - Raleigh, NC
Managed Forest Law
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Madison, WI
Native Prairie and Wildlife Habitat - Property Tax Benefits
- Des Moines, IA
Native Prairie Tax Exemption Program
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - St Paul, MN
Open Space Conservation - Property Tax Benefits
- Crownsville, MD
Reforestation Tax Credit Program
- Oregon Department of Forestry - Salem, OR
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Waterfowl Restoration Program
- Cambridge, MD
Aaron Rector
- Colorado Springs, CO
Austin Shelby
Spring Branch Forestry - Ridgway, CO
Bruce F. Short
Short Forestry, LLC - Owner - Mancos, CO
Canon City Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Canon City, CO
Cleave Dwire
- Sole Proprietor Contractor - Wells, NV
Colorado State Forest Service
- Fort Collins, CO
Council of Western State Foresters
Sara Goodwin - Communications Director - Edgewater, CO
Dana Coelho
Colorado State Forest Service - Urban & Community Forestry Program Manager - Broomfield, CO
Eric Folwell
- Louisville, CO
Fernando M Morales
- Montrose, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Grand Junction Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Grand Junction, CO
Greenleaf Forestry and Wood Products, Inc.
Len Lankford - President and CEO - Westcliffe, CO
Gretchen Cross
Buell Environmental LLC - Natural Resource Specialist - Oak Creek, CO
Gunnison Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Gunnison, CO
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
Kevin Warner
- Fort Collins, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
Lyle Laverty
The Laverty Group, LLC - Owner - Arvada, CO
Mark William Loveall
- Durango, CO
Markit! Forestry Management
- Colorado Springs, CO
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Certified Forester (Forestry Consultants) - Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
Noah McConnell
Timber Time LLC - Bailey, CO
Northwest Management, Inc.
Vincent P. Corrao - President - Moscow, ID
Salida Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Salida, CO
Shana Harness
- Cedaredge, CO
Sharon A. Kyhl
Natural Resource Solutions Group, Inc. - President, Forester - Steamboat Springs, CO
Sierra Forest Products
- Chino, CA
Terry Bendetti
- Rifle, CO
Woodland Park Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Woodland Park, CO
Geologists / Hydrologists
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc.
- Englewood, CO
Brett Jordan
HydroGeo Designs LLC - Hydrologist/Engineer - Buena Vista, CO
Bruce Collins, PhD
- Silt, CO
C&S Environmental Consulting
Buford E. Collier - Senior Environmental Project Manager - Kilgore, TX
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Janet Wolfe - Director of Marketing and Communications - Albuquerque, NM
Gary D. Witt, P.G., CPG
Vice President - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
Jonathan E. Jones, P.E., D.WRE
CEO and President - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
- Cumberland, ME
Steve Boyle
BIO-Logic, Inc. - Principal & Senior Biologist - Montrose, CO
Land Trusts
American Farmland Trust
- Washington, DC
Aspen Valley Land Trust
- Carbondale, CO
BC Nature
Federation of BC Naturalists - North Vancouver, BC
Brenda Schick
Singing Stream Conservation Consultants - Principal - La Jolla, CA
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Ottawa, ON
Central Colorado Conservancy
- Salida, CO
Clear Creek Land Conservancy
- Golden, CO
Colorado Cattlemen's Agricultural Land Trust
Erik Glenn - Executive Director - Arvada, CO
Colorado Open Lands
- Lakewood, CO
Colorado Trail Foundation
Bill Manning - Executive Director - Golden, CO
Colorado West Land Trust
- Grand Junction, CO
Conservancy Hornby Island
- Hornby Island , BC
Crested Butte Land Trust
- Crested Butte, CO
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
- Bismarck, ND
Eagle Valley Land Trust
- Edwards, CO
Fraser Headwaters Alliance
- Dunster , BC
Fraser Valley Conservancy
- Abbotsford, BC
Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Tom Cameron - President - Gabriola Island, BC
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy
Stacy McPhail - Executive Director - Gunnison, CO
Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust
- Washington, DC
Islands Trust Fund
- Victoria, BC
Jim McGannon
Forestry/Landscape Consultant - Parker, CO
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Kawartha Heritage Conservancy
- Peterborough, ON
Keep It Colorado (formerly Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts)
Melissa Daruna - Exeuctive Director - Golden, CO
La Plata Open Space Conservancy
- Durango, CO
Lake Fork Valley Conservancy
- Lake City, CO
Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
- Kingston, ON
Land Trust Alliance
- Washington, DC
Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
Sheila Harrington - Programs Director - Victoria, BC
Malaspina Land Conservancy
Janet Alred - President - Powell River, BC
Michael Hart
LandVest, Inc. - Senior Appraiser - Boston, MA
Mountain Area Land Trust
- Evergreen, CO
Nanaimo Area Land Trust
- Conservation Covenants Coordinator - Nanaimo, BC
Nature Conservancy of Canada
National Office - Toronto, ON
Nature Manitoba
Roger Turenne - President - Winnipeg, MB
Nature Trust of British Columbia
- BC Conservation Land Manager - Vancouver, BC
Nature Vancouver
Daniel Overmyer - Vancouver, BC
North American Land Trust
- Chadds Ford, PA
Open Space Institute
Jennifer Grossman - Vice President New York Land Program - New York, NY
Palmer Land Conservancy
- Colorado Springs, CO
Palmer Land Trust
- Colorado Springs, CO
Pender Islands Conservancy
Sylvia Pincott - Pender Island, BC
Peter D. Nichols
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti, LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society
George Barabas - Heriot Bay, BC
Roaring Fork Conservancy
- Basalt, CO
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
- Missoula, MT
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Salt Spring Island Conservancy
Linda Gilkeson - Executive Director - Salt Spring Island, BC
San Isabel Land Protection Trust
- Westcliffe, CO
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Habitat Trust Fund
- Moose Jaw, SK
Savary Island Land Trust Society
Liz Webster - Executive Director - Lund, BC
Silva Forest Foundation
Susan Hammond - Slocan Park, BC
Societe de Protection Fonciere de Saint-Adele
Jean-Louis Poirier - President - Saint-Adele, QC
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Sportsmen's National Land Trust
- Agawam, MA
Terrafirma RRG LLC
- Burlington, VT
The Barn Group
- Brooks, GA
The Greenlands Reserve
- Frisco, CO
The Nature Conservancy, Colorado Field Office
- Boulder, CO
The Trust for Public Land
- Denver, CO
The Trustees of Reservations
- Boston, MA
The Wilderness Land Trust
- Helena, MT
Trout Unlimited
Chris Wood - President and Chief Executive Officer - Arlington, VA
Trust for Public Land - Colorado Office
Denver Office - Denver, CO
Waterloo Region Nature
- Waterloo, ON
Watershed Land Trust
- Belton, MO
Wetlands America Trust
- Memphis, TN
Natural Resource Law Attorneys
Allan Beezley
Allan C. Beezley, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Amanda Hemmerich
Burns, Figa & Will - Associate - Greenwood Village, CO
Beth Appleton
Elizabeth P. Appleton, PC - Crested Butte, CO
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Bradley Switzer
Law Offices of Bradley N. Switzer - Montrose, CO
Brandon L. Jensen
Budd–Falen Law Offices, LLC - Senior Associate - Cheyenne, WY
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Christina R. Sloan
The Sloan Law Firm, PLLC - Moab, UT
Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather
- Omaha, NE
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Dale Ratliff
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Associate - Denver, CO
David C. Conley, PC
- Colorado Springs, CO
David F. Bower
Johnson & Repucci LLP - Louisville, CO
David L. Kuosman
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
David Lawrence Kueter
Holsinger Law, LLC - Attorney - Denver, CO
Debra A. Conroy
3i Law - Denver, CO
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Nossaman LLP - Los Angeles, CA
Eric Gross
Eric J Gross Attorney P.C. - Carbondale, CO
Ezekiel (Zeke) J. Williams
Williams Weese Pepple & Ferguson - Director - Denver, CO
Gabriella Stockmayer
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Gregory A. Vallin
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP - Denver, CO
Gregory J Cucrola
Law Offices of Gregory J Cucarola - Sterling, CO
Jacquelyn (Cobb) Harvey
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jason M. Groves
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Jenna H. Keller
Keller Law, LLC - Craig, CO
Jessica E. Jay
Conservation Law, P.C - Attorney at Law - Evergreen, CO
Joel Russell
Joel Russell Associates - Principal - Northampton, MA
John P. Justus
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Grand Junction, CO
Karl F. Kumli III
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Kate Ryan
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti - Attorney - Boulder, CO
Kent Holsinger
Holsinger Law, LLC - Denver, CO
Kevin L. Patrick
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
L. Richard (Dick) Bratton
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, Professional Corporation - Gunnison, CO
Lawrence Kueter
The Law Office of Lawrence R. Kueter - Attorney - Denver, CO
Leah K. Martinsson
Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti LLP - Special Counsel - Boulder, CO
Mark D. Detsky
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Matthew J. Douglas
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP - Partner - Denver, CO
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Murray D. Feldman
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
Nick Cramer
The Vertex Companies, Inc. - Senior Project Manager - Irving, TX
Patrick, Miller and Noto
Waterlaw - Denver, CO
Paul L. Noto
Patrick, Miller aned Noto - Basalt, CO
Peter D. Nichols
Berg Hill Greenleaf Ruscitti, LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Rebecca Hall
Packard and Dierking, LLC - Boulder, CO
Richard L. Emmett
- Durango, CO
Richard L. Reichstei
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP - Partner - Boulder, CO
Robert Noone
Noone Law Firm - Glenwood Springs, CO
Ronald M. Eddy
Sherman & Howard L.L.C. - Denver, CO
Sara J Streight LLC
Attorney - Fort Collins, CO
Scott C. Miller
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Scott Clark
Burns, Figa & Will - CEO/Shareholder - Greenwood Village, CO
Star L. Waring
Dietze and Davis, P.C. - Boulder, CO
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C. - Cambridge, MA
Steven J. Bushong
Porzak, Browning & Bushong, LLP - Boulder, CO
Steven P. Jeffers
Lyons Gaddis Kahn Hall Jeffers Dworak & Grant PC - Louisville, CO
Thomas Hall
Braun & Gresham, PLLC - Attorney and Counselor - Austin, TX
Thomas J Ragonetti
Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti PC - Shareholder - Denver, CO
W. Alan Schroeder
Schroeder Law - Lawyer/owner - Boise, ID
William A. Hillhouse II
Hoskin Farina & Kampf, PC - Grand Junction, CO
William Caile
Holland & Hart - Of Counsel - Denver, CO
William G. Myers III
Holland & Hart - Partner - Boise, ID
William Silberstein
Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell - Partner - Denver, CO
Willie DeFord
Dufford Waldeck - Grand Junction, CO
Willis V. Carpenter
Carpenter & Klatskin, P.C. - Denver, CO
Riparian and Wetlands Specialists
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc.
- Englewood, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Janet Wolfe - Director of Marketing and Communications - Albuquerque, NM
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
Jonathan E. Jones, P.E., D.WRE
CEO and President - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kenneth R. Wright, P.E., D.WRE
Chief Financial Officer and Principal Engineer - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Marstel-Day, LLC
- Fredericksburg, VA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
River Partners
- Chico, CA
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
SME Environmental, Inc.
- Durango, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Stacy W. Jackson
Jackson Real Estate Professionals, LLC - Owner - Winnsboro, TX
Wayne F. Lorenz, P.E.
Chief Engineer - Wright Water Engineers - Denver, CO
Wright Water Engineers
Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CPESC - Denver, CO
State Funding / Technical Resources
Canon City Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Canon City, CO
Colorado Building Farmers
Project Director - Dawn Thilmany - Longmont, CO
Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Broomfield, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources
- Denver, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 1
Liam Cummins - Water Resource Specialist - Greeley, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 2
Lonnie Spady - River Operations Coordinator - Pueblo, CO
Colorado Division of Water Resources Division 4
Gina DeArcos - Program Assistant - Montrose, CO
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program
Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Forest Legacy Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
David Anderson - Director and Chief Scientist - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
- Denver, CO
Colorado Parks & Wildlife Southwest Region
Cory Chick - Southeast Region Manager - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado River Water Conservancy District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado River Water Conservation District
- Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Small Range Maintenance Grants
- Denver, CO
Colorado Tree Farm Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Walk-in Access Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Colorado Wetlands for Wildlife Program
Brian Sullivan - Wetlands Program Coordinator - Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program
Amanda Nims - Denver, CO
Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Division of Water Resources Division 5
Lindsey Latham - Program Assistant - Glenwood Springs, CO
Forest Ag Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Game Damage Program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Denver, CO
Grand Junction Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Grand Junction, CO
Habitat Partnership Program
- Grand Junction, CO
Lesser Prairie Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Boise, ID
Patty Knupp
Wildlife Area Biologist - USDA-NRCS Area Three Office - Rocky Ford, CO
Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
- Denver, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Ranching for Wildlife
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Recovery & Conservation Plans
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Salida Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Salida, CO
Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District
Margie Medina - Pueblo, CO
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN)
- Fort Collins, CO
Southwestern Water Conservation District
Laura Spann - Programs Manager - Durango, CO
The Grassland Species Plan
Colorado Parks & Wildlife - Denver, CO
Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District
Beverly Richards - Administrative Assistant - Gunnison, CO
Upper South Platte Water Conservancy District
- Fairplay, CO
Wetland Wildlife Conservation Program
- Fort Collins, CO
Woodland Park Field Office
Colorado State Forest Service - Woodland Park, CO
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Basin Wildlife Consulting
Rick Danvir - Casper, WY
Cleave Dwire
- Sole Proprietor Contractor - Wells, NV
Colorado Parks & Wildlife Southwest Region
Cory Chick - Southeast Region Manager - Colorado Springs, CO
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
Gretchen Cross
Buell Environmental LLC - Natural Resource Specialist - Oak Creek, CO
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kit H. Buell
Buell Environmental LLC - Ecologist - Oak Creek, CO
Lannie B. Philley, AFM
Delta Land & Farm Mgmt Co, LLC - Appraiser, Manager - Mer Rouge, LA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
James Schriever - Vice President Geospatial Services - Woodland Park, CO
Patty Knupp
Wildlife Area Biologist - USDA-NRCS Area Three Office - Rocky Ford, CO
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
SME Environmental, Inc.
- Durango, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Steve Boyle
BIO-Logic, Inc. - Principal & Senior Biologist - Montrose, CO
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS