Consultants - Land Serving Colorado
Ann Ruzow Holland, Ph.D. AICP
- Willsboro, NY
Brenda Schick
Singing Stream Conservation Consultants - Principal - La Jolla, CA
Brink Incorporated
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Brink, Inc.
Phil Brink, CEP - Erie, CO
Bruce Benninghoff
- Littleton, CO
Bruce F. Short
Short Forestry, LLC - Owner - Mancos, CO
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Cary Aloia
- Monte Vista, CO
Chad TeVelde, P.E.
AGPROfessionals - Sr. Professional Engineer - Greeley, CO
Cirrus Ecological Solutions
Neal Artz - Logan, UT
Colorado Wildlife Science, LLC
Jonathan Lowsky - Principal Ecologist - Basalt, CO
Conservation Consulting Group
Nancy W. Moore - Managing Partner - Monona, WI
David Allen Owen
- Longmont, CO
David Harper
Land in Common - Charleston, SC
Dawn Reeder
Rare Earth Sciences, LLC - Principal Biologist - Crawford, CO
Derek Lowstuter
- Ft. Collins, CO
Design Workshop
Anna Laybourn - Principal - Aspen, CO
Double W Services, Inc.
Wiiliam Roy Williams - Lakewood, CO
E. David Sharman
Certified Prof Agronomist - Brush, CO
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
El Paso County Conservation District
Mariah Hudson - District Manager - Colorado Springs, CO
- Memphis, TN
Evr-green Management Group, Inc
Matt S. Campbell - President - Rome, GA
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
- Charlottesville, VA
Floyd C. Freeman
- Salida, CO
Forest Stewardship Program
Colorado State Forest Service - Fort Collins, CO
Gerald Knudsen
Agritech Consulting - Morrison, CO
Green Infrastructure Center
Karen Firehock - Executive Director - Charlottesville, VA
Greener Prospects
- Brunswick, ME
Greg D Sundstrom
- Fort Collins, CO
Gregg Elliott
K Gregg Consulting - Conservation Communications Consultant - Cordova, TN
Hemard & Company
Victor E. Hemard Jr. - President - Texarkana, TX
Holistic Management International
Sandy Langelier - Director, Communications & Outreach - Albuquerque, NM
Iara Lacher
Seven Bends Nursery - Ecologist / Consultant - Berryville, VA
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
James R McConaghy
- Salida, CO
Jason B. Stinson, CCIM
Commercial Realty Services of Alabama, LLC - Managing Member & Principal - Gadsden, AL
Jennifer Migliorato
- Breckenridge, CO
Jeremy Sokulsky
Environmental Incentives - President - South Lake Tahoe, CA
Joel Russell
Joel Russell Associates - Principal - Northampton, MA
John A. McHugh
- Loveland, CO
Joseph A Duda
Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO
Julie Boggs
Peoples Company - Land Manager, AFM - Monroe, LA
Kelly Colfer
Western Bionomics, Inc. - President - Steamboat Springs, CO
Kelly Rogers
- Grand Junction, CO
Kristin Garrison
- Franktown, CO
Land Conservation Assistance Network
Amos Eno - President / Executive Director - Yarmouth, ME
Land EKG
Charley Orchard - Ten Sleep, WY
Linda Ziccardi
Alpine EcoSciences LLC - Owner - Golden, CO
Living Habitats LLC
Heidi Natura, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP - Principal & CEO - Chicago, IL
LJ Conservation Matters
Leonard Jordan - Douglasville, GA
Mark Beardsley
- Buena Vista, CO
Mark Lewis
Mississippi Land Company - Mayhew, MS
Martin Property Research, Inc.
Michael J. Martin, CFA, MAI - Real Estate Appraiser - Denver, CO
Matt Tobler
Blue Mountain Environmental Consulting, LLC - Natural Resource Specialist/Director - Fort Collins, CO
Mauriello Planning Group, LLC
Dominic F. Mauriello - Principal - Eagle, CO
Mayes, Wilson & Associates
- San Marcos, TX
Nathan John Bell
Bell Consulting LLC - Rifle, CO
National NEMO Network
- Haddam, CT
Pinchot Institute for Conservation
V. Alaric Sample - President - Washington, DC
Plan Tools, LLC
- Loveland, CO
PlanIt Forward
Patrick Crist - Principal - Broomfield, CO
Platte River Ag Services, Inc.
Ron Zurlinden, P.E. - Owner - Golden, CO
Prairie Partners Program
Tammy VerCauteren - Executive Director, Administration - Fort Collins, CO
Pylman & Associates Inc
Richard Pylman - Edwards, CO
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Rhizoterra Inc.
Avril Stevenson - Project Manager - Spokane, WA
Riverbend Engineering, LLC.
Chris Philips, MS, PE, CFM - Owner and Senior Scientist - Albuquerque, NM
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
Roe Ecological Services, LLC
Chris and Kelly Roe - Logan, KS
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Shelli Bischoff
Conservation Impact - President - Denver, CO
Solutions in the Land, LLC
- Kenosha, WI
SRP Environmental, LLC
- Shreveport, LA
Stacy W. Jackson
Jackson Real Estate Professionals, LLC - Owner - Winnsboro, TX
Strategic Conservation Solutions, LLC
Bruce I. Knight - Principal and Founder - Washington, DC
Synergy Resource Solutions, Inc.
- Belgrade, MT
Tambi Katieb, AICP
Land Planning Collaborative - Principal - Eagle, CO
Thomas L. Daniels
University of Pennsylvania School of Design - Professor of City and Regional Planning - Philadelphia, PA
Travis Hertneky
- Calhan, CO
Understanding Ag, LLC
- Fort Payne, AL
Unique Places Southwest
Michael Scisco - Regional Director & Director of GIS and Cartography - Albuquerque, NM
Wayne E Eckas
- Fort Collins, CO
Wright Water Engineers
Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CPESC - Denver, CO