Boulder Valley Conservation District Updated:08/2020

The Boulder Valley Conservation District originally contained 97,280 acres.  With fifteen additions and transfers involving 21,591 acres, the total acreage in the District at this time is 118,871 acres.  There are 14,250 acres of irrigated and non-irrigated cropland and 5,271 acres of pasture and rangeland in the District.  The median size farm is 30 acres.  There are about 324 total farms in Boulder County.  There are 47,295 acres of open space owned by the City of Boulder, Boulder County, and other municipalities.  There are also many small acreage parcels of privately owned forest amidst the US Forest Service and Colorado State Forest Service lands.

The District Supervisors have identified five natural resource priorities and goals;  

  1. Water Quality and Quantity
    Our goals are to work with municipalities to control storm water runoff that is currently routed to irrigation ditches on agricultural lands and provide an educational tour on water delivery systems along the Front Range.  
  2. Land Use
    The goals include involvement in Boulder County Open Space land use plan to keep agriculture in Boulder County viable, offer conservation education to the general public on the importance of agriculture, meet with city councils to provide information on agriculture issues and provide the opportunity to purchase seedling trees for rehabilitation and erosion control.  
  3. Integrated Pest Management
    The goals in this priority are to Eradicate Mediterranean Sage from land in Boulder County, work with ditch companies to control Eurasian Milfoil and education the general public on prairie dog issues related to farming and agriculture.
  4. Forest Health and Watershed Management
    The goal for this priority is to work with forest management agencies to provide education on the importance of tree removal and proper management of their forested acreage.
  5. Conservation and Ag Education
    Our goals for this priority is to provide agriculture education to youth on the importance of local agriculture in the everyday lives and to provide timely information to small acreage landowners and the general public to help them understand the vital importance of agriculture in Boulder County.

Contact Boulder Valley Conservation District

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ColoradoLandCAN.
Boulder Valley Conservation District is not employed by or affiliated with the Colorado Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact Boulder Valley Conservation District

Nancy McIntyre
Boulder Valley Conservation District Manager
9595 Nelson Road
Suite D
Longmont, CO  80501-6359
Phone: (720) 378-5521

Service Area

Services provided in:
  • Boulder County, Colorado