Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Updated:10/2023

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) is charged with fostering the responsible development of Colorado's oil and gas natural resources in a manner consistent with the protection of public health, safety, and welfare, including the environment and wildlife resources. Our agency seeks to serve, solicit participation from, and maintain working relationships with all those having an interest in Colorado's oil and gas natural resources.

The mission of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) is to foster the responsible development of Colorado's oil and gas natural resources.

Responsible development results in:

  • The efficient exploration and production of oil and gas resources in a manner consistent with the protection of public health, safety and welfare.
  • The prevention of waste.
  • The protection of mineral owners' correlative rights.
  • The prevention and mitigation of adverse environmental impacts.

The COGCC seeks to serve, solicit participation from, and maintain working relationships with all those having an interest in Colorado's oil and gas natural resources.

Our Values

  • The COGCC will earn the trust of the People of Colorado every day.
  • We conduct our work with integrity, technical excellence, and a commitment to innovation.
  • We are as committed to protecting public health and the environment as we are to fostering the responsible development of Colorado’s oil and gas resources.
  • We provide exceptional customer service. We are responsive, fair, and consistent.
  • We are accountable to one another.
  • We will improve every day.

Rifle Office
796 Megan Ave, Suite 201
Rifle, Colorado  81650
Phone: 970-625-2497 Fax: 970-625-5682
Rifle Complaint Line: 970-285-0322

Contact Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ColoradoLandCAN.
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is not employed by or affiliated with the Colorado Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

1120 Lincoln Street
Suite 801
Denver, CO  80203
Phone: 303-894-2100
Toll Free: 888-235-1101
Fax: 303-894-2109

Service Area

Statewide service provider in:
  • Colorado