Rural-Farmer, Rancher, and Fishery Cooperatives Serving Colorado
Agfinity, Inc.
- Loveland, CO
All Things Homestead
- Castle Rock, CO
Anton Cooperative Association
Chet Kenney - Manager - Anton, CO
Arkansas Valley Cooperative Association
- La Junta, CO
Basin Cooperative Inc.
Tom Campbell - Agronomy Manager - Durango, CO
Bear River Valley Farmers Cooperative
- Hayden, CO
Chestnut Growers of America
- Richmond, VA
Comida Market
- Trinidad, CO
Country Natural Beef
- Redmond, OR
Durango Natural Foods
- Durango, CO
Eads Consumers Supply Company Inc.
- Eads, CO
Josh Thorsbrough - Owner - Alvin, IL
Farm2Table Trading Post
- Elbert, CO
Nick Dorrell - Industry, TX
Fort Collins Food Co-op
- Fort Collins, CO
Fruita Consumers Cooperative Association Inc.
- Fruita, CO
High Plains Food Coop
- Greenwoods Village, CO
Hunt or Gather Buying Club
- Colorado Springs, CO
Monte Vista Cooperative
- General Manager - Monte Vista, CO
Organic Valley
- La Farge, WI
Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company
Phillip M. Schumacher - CEO/President - Peetz, CO
Poudre Valley Community Farms
- Laporte, CO
Poudre Valley Cooperative Association Inc.
- Fort Collins, CO
Rafter W Ranch
- Simla, CO
Rainbow Gardens Co-op
- Ridgeway, CO
Roaring Fork Valley Cooperative Association
- Carbondale, CO
Rocky Ford Growers Cooperative Association
- Rocky Ford, CO
Roggen Farmers Elevator Association
Keith DeVoe General Manager - Roggen, CO
San Pedro Ranch
Chase Currie - Carrizo Springs, TX
Seibert Equity Cooperative Association
- Seibert, CO
Select Sires Inc.
- Plain City, OH
Stratton Equity Cooperative Co.
- Stratton, CO
Sweetgrass Cooperative
- Alamosa, CO
Valley Food Co-op
- Alamosa, CO
Western Sugar Cooperative
- Denver, CO